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  1. Wraithchild

    Stryper is back after 10 years!

    Say what you will about Stryper, but other than Ratt and Dokken, they are one of the few pop-metal bands that I really enjoyed. From reading the concert reviews, they are as musically sound and tight as ever. Remaining 2003 Tour Dates Oct 28 Los Angeles, CA Oct...
  2. Wraithchild

    Anyone here see "Kill Bill: Vol 1" yet?

    I absolutely loved it! Although, this movie definitely isn't for everyone. You would have to like ultra-violent (very gory), martial arts/revenge-type flicks to appreciate it. The martial arts and special effects were extremely well done in this film, and make The Matrix: Reloaded fight...
  3. Wraithchild

    Rob Zombie: Past , Present, & Future CD/DVD

    Hmm, I am not liking Rob Zombie's present and future too much. :) While it was cool that he included some rarities (like from House of 1000 Corpses), I hope songs like Brickhouse 2003, Blitzkrieg Bop, and Two-Lane Blacktop are not samples of Rob Zombie's future musical direction. I liked...
  4. Wraithchild

    What do the Iron Maidens think of Dance of Death?

    Jen, Wanda, Jojo, Sara, and Linda, what do you think of Maiden's new album "Dance of Death"? Any favorites and/or songs you would like perform in future concerts yet? If you need a few days to respond I understand. I am still trying to pick my jaw off of the floor; it is stuck in the awe...
  5. Wraithchild

    "DANCE OF DEATH WORLD TOUR will herald a major change... how the band tour in the future as this will be the last long arena tour the band will undertake." Sad, but understandable. I am sure the guys in Iron Maiden are getting a little weary of the ultra-long tours, and want to spend more time with their families which is commendable...
  6. Wraithchild

    Something guaranteed to put a smile on your face

    ...especially Star Wars fans! Here are my three personal favorites: The original one...
  7. Wraithchild

    Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

    I saw T3 yesterday and... :OMG: This movie rocks! I was skeptical before seeing it, but, in my opinion, it is even better than the T2: Judgement Day. No spoilers here! If you like science fiction and/or action movies, you must see this movie!
  8. Wraithchild

    $14.99 Pre-order US version of Visions of the Beast 2 DVD set!

    At I apologize if merchandise URLs are not allowed to be posted here. I just thought everyone might like to know about such a great deal. In no way am I...
  9. Wraithchild

    Iron Maidens to release a CD with original material?

    Jen, Wanda, Jojo, Sara, and Linda, you ladies are extremely talented musically and, with a vengeance, shatter the ignorant myth that women cannot play hard rock and heavy metal as well as men. In my opinion, the Iron Maidens have more technical skill and a higher level of musicianship than many...