Search results

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    "Low end" production?

    I always hear this term tossed around. I am not really sure what it is in reference to. Does it have to do with guitars? Could someone also give me an example of this in a few songs? Thanks.
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    New Slipknot...

    Anyone heard Duality? I actually don't find it to be that bad. I rather enjoy it actually. I am quite surprised that it is getting radio play though. It's the only song on the radio to feature breakdowns! Once you get past the image, Slipknot really doesn't deserve all the shit that gets...
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    Anyone heard of Dissonant?

    ...Well, now you have. They fucking rule. I always love genre blending bands like this. It makes the listening always interesting. They mix Trash Metal, Black Metal, Hardcore Punk, and shit, even some of that shitty Gothenburg stuff that is oh so popular these days with the Metalcore bands...
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    The Black Dahlia Muder

    I have completely lost all respect for these guys. Did anyone happen to catch Headbanger's Ball last night? All I can say is, "What the fuck?" Like the Every Time I Die frontman said, I don't even think they like Metal. They are putting on such a fake image it isn't even funny. Besides...
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    Has anyone heard of them? I think they are fucking awesome. They mix what I would call raging Hardcore with Ska. Ska? Yes, Ska. I usually loath Ska, but for some reason not here. It works. Trust me. Very danceable music. It's fun yet sincere. There are upbeat parts and also breakdowns...
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    You know what I need?

    ...I need some fucking BONE CRUSHING music. If anybody would like to recommend me anything that is going to tear the lining of my stomach out, do it now. Anything. Doom, Grind, Death, fuck even some Industrial music. Thanks in advance. You rule!
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    Story Of The Year

    This is the one (if not only) good band my radio station plays. I find their music good...actually very good. Who else likes them?
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    Going to the record store tomorrow...

    Recommend me stuff to get, and I may check it out! Nothing too obscure please. I want to be able to find it! Anyway, anything Metal, but I am really into Metalcore at the moment. I just want some music I can smash my head to. :) :rock:
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    I am seeing...

    From Autumn To Ashes this upcoming December! Yay! Woooohooooooo! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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    I just discovered how great these guys were. Does anybody else like them?
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    It's driving me insane. I want places to download the music I want, but there are none! I hear Direct Connect has everything you can ever imagine, but I can't figure the damn thing out! Could someone please recommend me some really good hubs that work. I would really appreciate it. I...
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    I have heard many a great thing about Neurosis and am really digging their music. I am thinking about purchasing a CD. Could anyone recommend me a CD to start with or name me their best CD? Thanks in advance.
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    Nasum has a new line-up.

    Well, they get a new line-up like every year. Anyway, they now have a new line-up. ^^^ Check it out. Just thought some Nasum fans would like to know if they didn't know already.
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    Do you know the most agressive, extreme band ever?

    ...Because I don't. I am just curious (nothing new), and I want to know the heaviest, hardest hitting band ever. Like, what is the most insane band that you know of? Of course, I mean brutal...really brutal...ear bleeding brutal with the most fucked up angriest lyrics. I really want to...
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    Hell On Earth I found this rather shocking. And yes this is true, they are actually allowing this to happen. I just so happened to turn on the radio and hear this. Then I went on the net and searched Google. I found this site about it. It gives a brief...
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    Metal T-Shirts?

    Well yeah, I am looking to get a few Metal t-shirts. Does anybody know any secure online stores with a good selection? Any help on this topic would be highly regarded. Thanks in advance.
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    Need some adivce...

    Slayer, Hatebreed, and Dry Kill Logic are coming to Maine! Should I go?
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    Does anyone know a site where there is a large selection of not so know/rare Death Metal, Black Metal, and Grindcore? I really want to know. If anybody knows of any site that has a lot of "extreme" Metal MP3's, let me know. BTW, sorry if you are not allowed to discuss this type on thing...
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    What is the best Anathema CD?

    I must know. I have heard much about Anathema and would like to know where to start. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :D
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    Most overrated bands?

    What does everything think are the most overrated bands?