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  1. M

    Jaska's drumsticks

    I know that Jaska uses Millenium II Pro-Mark signature drumsticks (from the SoB page) but.. excuse me for being stupid.. is there any way to get those drumsticks without having to catch it when he throws them out from concerts?
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    European Photos

    apparently the CoB webmaster does not tell us when he updates photos in the gallery, or is it just because I'm really slow? they added some new photos of europe and i had absolutely nooo idea until i just accidentally pressed the "pictures" section today :erk: did you all know about this...
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    Favourite Asian Bands

    Everyone enjoys all the European or American metal bands... but anyone ever thinks about Asia? What are your favourite bands from there? I'm a Hong-Kong girl, the underground metal bands absolutely SUCK. messiah is about the only acceptable one here, but even so they still suck, but in...
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    Best-Looking Metal Musician

    to me: Jaska Raatikainen - CoB Antti Kokko - Kalmah Hail! :grin:
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    Kokko brothers

    This is just a question out of my curiousity, I hope it's not rude or anything, but I've been wondering this for quite a while.. Who's older - Pekka or Antti?
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    Favourite Kalmah Song

    Mine's: Hades They Will Return Tordah Alteration :tickled:
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    nice to meet you all

    hi all! I'm an 16-year-old Australian-Cantonese metalhead, and I've been listening to metal since I was ten. Ever since I was old enough to understand what music was, I loved drumming my fingers or clapping to the beat and rhythm, and then I began playing the drums when I was eight. Yup...