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  1. S

    my metal site

    hi everyone - i wanted to let everyone know that i have started a metal fan site of sorts - it is very much in its infancy phase, but has the chance to be a very cool site - if anyone would like to visit and maybe make some suggestions on content, links, topics, bands, etc that would be...
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    please HELP - mp3 compression question

    i have been downloading songs off of soulseek and it works really well, the only problem is the files are huge - i use windows media player to load songs off of regular cds and the files are miniscule - i tried using goldwave to change the format from mp3 to .wma and they didnt change...
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    ozzfest question re rotating bands

    i am planning to go to the ozzfest here in pittsburgh 8-28 - bleeding through is one of the "rotating bands" on the bill and i am wondering if anyone knows FOR SURE exactly what rotating means??? thanks
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    quick defense of ST ANGER

    ive been meaning to say something for a long, LONG time - the following is a copy of the reply i posted in the soilwork forum regarding some metallibashing going on - the guys that frequent that forum are good guys for the most part, but i think maybe some of them have forgotten their roots -...
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    other projects devin produced?

    hey all - i was wondering some of your thoughts on projects that devin has produced - i looked at and the list is quite extensive - all i really had time to check out was december, which seemed pretty cool - i am probably going to get that - personally, i am aware of...
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    DTB review 12-8

    well, first i would like to say i am really thankful devin stayed on for the last few dates of this tour, i had never seen him live before and i wasnt dissapointed - first thing when my wife and i got to the hard rock cafe i spotted devin outside by his tour bus - i yelled out for him...
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    question for geoff from

    looking for a confirmation that dtb will NOT be at the pittsburgh show 12-8 -
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    chimaira soilwork bleeding through in PITTSBURGH

    as most of you who give a shit know, chimaira has put together a stellar lineup for a tour they are calling "pure hatred" this december - the lineup is: chimaira - soilwork bleeding through (metalcore with the emphasis on metal, uinbelievable) as i lay dying (scream-metal not unlike...
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    what would be your dream concert?

    i once saw anthrax megadeth and slayer all on the same bill, that was pretty cool (clash of the titans) these days i would just about kill to see: the haunted darkane soilwork in that order - three of the best straightforward metal bands ever -
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    anyone know what james is up to these days?

    i have a fairly limited knowledge of james' stuff, i loved convergence and also LOW, but havent really gotten anything else hes been on - im not the biggest death fan (too messy, bad vocals) and i cant seem to find disincarnate anywhere - any suggestions on james stuff i should check out...
  11. S

    question regarding live sound

    ok, i posted a negative comment about in flames at the soilwork forum because i really felt the fact that in flames had phenominal sound and soilwork didnt, that in flames were "reserving" the better sound for themselves - this was in regards to the 7/2 pittsburgh show - the fact remains...