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  1. Yogota

    Worst Covers Ever

    Omfg, I accidentally downloaded that bullshitty Tori Amos - Raining Blood cover... Who the fuck is that weird woman? Nobody in Europe knows her.. >_> And how/why/wtf? I mean - that is no Cover, it's a CRIPPLE. It's not Slayer, it's GAYER. -_- Is there anything WORSE than this?
  2. Yogota

    The Glorious Burden

    Man, now that CD rocks o_O Owens vocals own, Gettysburg (1863) is helluva epic and _damn_ good... the only cons for this CD are the first Track of the US Edition (I laughed when I heard it) and that gay picture of a crying eagle, since it's stupid and sick X_x But the rest: Whoa. Any of...
  3. Yogota

    Kings of Metal

    Although Manowar claim to be them, I actually ask all of you: Who are the goddamned Kings of Metal, if there even ARE any? Metallica? Nope, did too much shit (Load/Reload/St. Anger/Bob Rock). Maiden? Naah, they kicked Bruce Dickinson out and never really "evolved" o_o; Ok, surpassing the first...
  4. Yogota

    CoB not touring with Iced Earth in Europe

    Already posted it at the "Iced Earth on Tour with CoB?"-Thread, but got no recognition or so... Well, at the latest "Heavy, oder was?" (or was it the "Hammer"? I dunno..), they wrote in an Iced Earth-Interview that they'll be touring with Thunderstone from Finland (as far as I remember it now...
  5. Yogota

    Gary Moore's Religion

    Heya everybody! Since I got my English teacher through that I could hold a Speech about Nightwish&Metallica and Gary Moore (Our current Topic is Ireland, therefor "Over the Hills and Far Away" and "Whiskey in the Jar")... since Gary was born in Belfast, anybody knows if he's either Protestant or...
  6. Yogota

    Where do you Rock?

    Yeah, the oh-so-wonderful pimpage thread: Where do you Rock? Post either Pics of your Compie place, your band's room or the place where you normally rock with your Instrument O_o I'll start it with this: Old piccie from April '03 - my hair was a lot shorter back then @_@; Pic was taken...
  7. Yogota

    Kill Bill

    Anybody besides me saw it yet? It's friggin hilarious and I consider it "Best Movie of the Year". Damn, it's one helluva fine movie. *-*
  8. Yogota

    I need a Growling How-To T_T

    Yes, I do need one. -_- Anybody knows how to Growl and can teach it so I can understand it? It didn't help much when I crawled through the Blind Guardian Official Forums and discovered the smart idea of "letting it flow from your stomach". Didn't help, since I don't know HOW. x.x
  9. Yogota

    Within Temptation - Mother Earth WTF?

    Help. o_o Everytime I watch German's TV lonely Rock/Metal/stuff-shows and the new crap from Within Temptation (Mother Earth and Ice Queen Videos) are broadcasted, I ask myself "WTF?". I mean - I have some old stuff from them like "Candles", "Gatekeeper" and the grat "Restless"... Which drugs did...