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  1. Silentjohan

    Stockholm 5 dec.

    Hey! I just got my ticket and I was wondering if any of you guys will be there?
  2. Silentjohan

    Katatonia lyrics

    So which Katatonia album has your fav. lyrics? I've got a feeling they differ a lot compared to each other...but I only have three albums and my fav. lyrics are on Discouraged Ones.
  3. Silentjohan

    Dark Tranquillity at Klubben

    I'm thinking of buying tickets for the show in Stockholm (Dec 5), but I have a question: Are there any age limits there? Silentjohan.(too young to see dt?:cry: )
  4. Silentjohan

    Songwriting in DT

    I was listening to Damage done this morning and i started to think how the songwriting works in the DT camp. I've always been thinking of this...what counts as contribution in songwriting? For a long time I thought that the guitar-riffs were the song...but now i know it's much more. As an...
  5. Silentjohan

    I'm going crazy...

    ...My Damage done will arrive in a couple of weeks. I can't stand this waiting...First you wait months' (that feels like years) for the the official release date...AND when the time has come the freakin' mailorder takes all the time in the world.:( So...I wanted to ask you swedes a...
  6. Silentjohan

    I need some help...

    hey! I'm going to London next month and I was just wondering if you people have any good cd-stores, or stores where I can buy Opeth shirts, to recommend ? thanks!
  7. Silentjohan

    Dark Tranquillity

    I've spent the entire morning listening to Dark Tranquillity. From Skydancer to the song "Monochromatic stains" and I just wanted to say: this is the best band in the world! They've always walked their own paths, not caring what people said. They are one of the few bands that always has...
  8. Silentjohan

    2 questions...

    Hey! I have 2 questions for you... I only have one nightingale cd and that's "the closing chronicles"(great), but which is his best cd? And...a couple of months ago there was a cover of "So long (still I wonder)" on this board. I had it in my playlist for a (so) long time, but I don't...
  9. Silentjohan

    D.T forum member page?

    I just wanted to ask you guys a question.(after some minor problems finding the right forum:goggly: ) Can I be in the d.t forum member page or is it closed? cheers!
  10. Silentjohan

    Monochromatic lyrics?

    I was wondering what the Monochromatic stains lyrics are about? "Here it own little stab in the dark at the mystery genre and the repercussions of voluntary and self-inflicted unconsciousness." What does he mean? silentjohan(Folly a man's demise)
  11. Silentjohan

    The new lyrics

    I have a suggestion/qustion: Meanwhile we're waiting for Damage done couldn't Niklas or Mikael give us quotes from Damage done lyrics every once in a while?(Just a verse or something)
  12. Silentjohan

    Star Wars

    Who's going to see the new star wars film tomorrow(00.01 AM:))??
  13. Silentjohan


    . So what is this mournful song about? cheers!
  14. Silentjohan

    The irc session

    So...If you only get to ask one question and get an answer...what question would you ask? I would ask if Niklas has written any lyrics for the new album... take care!
  15. Silentjohan


    Okey..I guess these kind of threads is kind of weary, but I just want to hear your opinion about my band(solitude.) So download the song "The desolated skyline" from and tell me what you think about it! take care people! cheers
  16. Silentjohan


    Hey KIRILL! I've always thought I was the only one from Luleå on this board...but I just discovered that you live here also. So...In which school do you study? take care!
  17. Silentjohan


    hey. i listened to "Dirge for november" this morning. And i started to cry... this has never happened to me before. it has happened alot of bad things lately.(lovelorn) the emotions just took over. sorry for this pointless message..i just felt like i needed to share it with you...
  18. Silentjohan


    Hello fellow opethians(?=). I just wanted you guys to check out my band at Tell me what you think? ahhhhh "-Marge! Give me thing you dig food with!" Homer simpson
  19. Silentjohan

    the moor

    Does anyone know where it is?? take care!
  20. Silentjohan

    Still life

    Hello.. I think this is my first post on this board... Today i got their cd "Still life"....and i started thinking .. what does opeth mean to me? Every morning when i wake up i listen to opeth(mostly the heavier songs)..on the day i spend most of my time by the computer(or