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  1. Wolfman Von Jones

    'Fun' music

    What do you listen to when you want to not take yourself or music too seriously? Bands included should not take themselves too seriously, silly lyrics, etc,etc. POST! :)
  2. Wolfman Von Jones

    Merry (almost) X-mas

    So it's that time of year again and all that crap. What do you want for Christmas? Please dont say world peace or some such nonsense :p. Nick
  3. Wolfman Von Jones


    Does anyone here, aside from Plintus and myself, play WoW anymore?:kickass:
  4. Wolfman Von Jones

    The Future

    What do you think the future has in store for us? I mean the race as a whole not any particular nation.
  5. Wolfman Von Jones

    You're Invited!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'd like to announce the marriage of myself and Siren. It's going to take place in a year in the Southern Greece. Everyone is invited, bring a gift :hotjump:. Edit: The actual date is July 24th, we'll keep you guys posted :). :rock::rock::worship::worship::worship::blush: Nickington
  6. Wolfman Von Jones

    Going down?

    So, is this really the end of all the love and friendships? B/c I dont know if anyone noticed but, NO ONE FUCKING POSTS ANYMORE :cry: So, if this is the end, I want to say I loved you all and continue to do so privately while gently touching myself. Nick
  7. Wolfman Von Jones

    Ok so now what?

    Im here Ben. Nick
  8. Wolfman Von Jones

    The new pic thread

  9. Wolfman Von Jones

    And then it passes

    So..... When is the next forum gathering? :Smug: :grin: :loco: Nick
  10. Wolfman Von Jones


    Visit and recieve a free spoon!!! Also, for a limited time only, you can actually spoon with the famous Ben Farrand and Nick Caines (we are not responsible if they touch you in an odd place whilst doing it) Nick
  11. Wolfman Von Jones

    Well its about fucking time Nick

    Well ladies and gentlemen, here it is. Its a decent sized pic, sorry 56kers :p. Edit: I went with blue instead of the traditional red b/c I feel blue is a much more soothing and tranquil color and it sort of fits the theme abit better. Also you'll notice that the eye is abit moon shaped...
  12. Wolfman Von Jones

    "Which celebs/board members/people would you do"

    Here Iris :D. Nick
  13. Wolfman Von Jones

    They will know the power of thy sword?

    Manowar. Your views? :D Nick
  14. Wolfman Von Jones

    The send the big, sexy, Chicago guy to Tuska thread

    YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY!!!!! Alms please :p. Nick
  15. Wolfman Von Jones

    Tattoo you

    In afew days Im going to the parlor to put a down payment on a tattoo. I really want a DT tattoo, but it seems like everything from the album art that is cool (imo) is taken. I dont want smth that everyone else has, so what the fuck guys? HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!! Nick
  16. Wolfman Von Jones

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY HILJ!!!! Yeah, good times :D.

    So now you are 18, one year older and wiser. Happy B-day :rock:. Get drunk have a good time :D. Nick
  17. Wolfman Von Jones

    My goal

    is to ejaculate on every woman from UM's chest :D. Told you I would Lu ;). Nick
  18. Wolfman Von Jones

    Happy B-day Nick!!!

    Thanks for remembering my B-day Nick :D :D. Nick(:()
  19. Wolfman Von Jones


    My new user name (it was Ben's idea actually). Continue to call me Nick if you wish, or Wolfman Von Jones :D. Nick
  20. Wolfman Von Jones

    Well hello :)

    Hey everyone :). Nick