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    Threshold Live in Munich

    After years of being a fan, I finally got to see Threshold live after moving to Germany some years ago. I even missed them twice last year when they performed in two venues that were equidistant from me in northern Germany. I frequent Black Metal concerts, Death, Thrash, and everything in...
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    Corey Fucking Taylor

    Lame. I didn't think they could be any lamer.
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    They're better at killing themselves than we are

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    Celtic Frost in NYC

    I posted the pics here. They simply have to be seen to be believed. You guys better see them when they come around your parts.
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    Celtic Frost in NYC

    I posted pics online here I had a blast and they were brutally heavy. Heavy use of songs from Morbid Tales and To Mega Therion.
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    Flotsam and Jetsam

    Got a new digital audio player, so I started pulling cd's out from the back of the drawer from when I was a kid. Wow. I liked F&J when I was a kid, but couldn't get into a lot of their stuff. Now, I kind of have the ear for prog and I'm looking at them as more of a progressive-thrash band...
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    Metal Church

    I just picked up the first Metal Church album with David Wayne on it. Wow. Should have bought this one a long time ago. I also pulled out Flotsam and Jetsam's No Place for Disgrace from my drawer. Shit. It's not nostalgia as much as it is seeing how much metal has turned to shit with...
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    Gino's of Philly- English Only

    This guy has the right idea. One has the right to refuse service for many reasons, so when someone comes up not speaking English, we bend for themso there's no incentive for them to learn our national language. I'm an immigrant and I learned English and honestly, it's a hell of a lot more...
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    Fat fucks-the 627 pound woman

    How does someone get up to 627 pounds? I mean, I love to eat and I can't imagine myself being more than a few pounds out, but 500 pounds? Watching more of it- "I don't know how it happened" keeps coming up.
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    Vanden Plas- Christ O

    I used to not get these guys, but I gave them another chance on the strength of the sample clips and was blown away at how far forward they've come since Beyond Daylight. Anyone else get it?
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    Got Piece of Time today. Any comments?
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    Hey ZH fellas, were any of you into Coroner? The reason I ask is because they had a hard and extremely technical style with some dark ambience and every so often, I'm reminded of them while listening to ZH. Any connection?
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    It took me like four months to get it, but it was worth it. Ever since I got this album last summer, I have listened to it in heavy rotation. Anyone else remember these guys?
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    Anthrax fanboys have nothing on these guys

    If you can labor through it, I am battling a shitstorm on the Evergrey board, along with DragonofBlood because we didn't like the new album that was conveniently leaked. I predicted they were going to go commercial several months ago because they're poising themselves to go major label next...
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    "The religion of peace" Good reading.
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    Gene Hoglan

    I have the Death albums he played on and finally got Testament's Demonic and was totally blown away by his technical and imaginative fills. Perhaps the poor sound quality of the Death albums masked this, but he's phenomenal. Is he this technical on Dark Angel's albums?
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    Ladies: for a change...Face, chest, or stomach?

    Well, once in a while it needs to go somewhere else. So face, chest, or stomach? Or on that little lower back tattoo I affectionately call a "target". Yes, I posed the unaskable question.
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    Egyptian cruise ship sinks Most of the passengers were muslims and some were even the "pilgrims" from mecca. The irony of this is if there was a tragedy for Americans or westerners, the muslims would say it was god's punishment for blah blah always against the...
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    Muslims offended again That's in their countries and not ours. We don't follow their laws, but since they fired the editor of one of the papers, it seems like we are ELECTING to follow Islamic law. Start reading the Koran, fuckers.
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    Radio host doesn't back down against muslims

    Support this guy. Pass the news around. From here: This will be replaced with a proper article when the story develops. I can only hope that the station and the radio guy doesn't buckle.