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  1. Tanith


    So I just realised, CS: Source now has full support for custom maps, which means it will now download any maps you try to go on automatically (as with the original). So, this calls for some renewed CSS playing. Anyone else tried out any custom maps yet? If so, post your faves...
  2. Tanith

    CS : Source Clan =UM= Signup thread

    Because we need one :) Use this template plz: Username - Steam Friends Network Username - E-mail - Aim - Msn - Mine: Username - =UM=t4nith Steam Friends Network Username - E-mail - Aim - TanithTheDevil Msn -
  3. Tanith

    Holy Freaking Cool!

    Irrational games have announced the third installment in the System Shock series, Bioshock! ^_____________^
  4. Tanith

    Warcraft vs Command and Conquer

    Ok, this thread is inspired by an arguement i'm having with a friend on MSN. He seems to think that Command and Conquer is better than Warcraft. I however, think he is insane, as Warcraft is quite clearly better. Opinions plz.
  5. Tanith

    Recent Bout of Inactivity

    Well i've noticed a recent lack of updates on the the clan UM front... anyone care to give some reasoning as to why? Me, my graphics card self-destructed a couple of weeks ago. I'm waiting on a new one till I can play the game again, currently coping on a crappy old and slightly dodgy...
  6. Tanith

    Clan UM IRC Channel

    #clan-um on quakenet...:
  7. Tanith

    Clan UM Website Uploaded, IRC Channel Created ^_^ First things first, the site is far from finished, infact, it still needs alot of work, but the website which is online now should suffice until I finish the PHP version. Also, the IRC channel has been created, connect to (port 5050) and...
  8. Tanith

    Clan UM Roster

    So yeah, I be needing a roster of all Clan UM players for the website. All I need is your s/n, e-mail address and AIM/MSN if you have them, and I can add them to the site. So yeah, post away.
  9. Tanith

    UM Tag - The Poll!

    So yeah, xeno recommended a vote on the tag, so i'ma gonna make a poll abouts it, though alot of people seem to be decided already. Anyway, vote away.
  10. Tanith

    Clan UM

    So yeah, a bunch of people on the SOT forum have been discussing the formation of a UM Online Gaming clan (see this thread: It'd be primarily a UT2003/4 Clan, though I guess other games would be a possibility Also, I made a couple of...
  11. Tanith

    Recommend me Stuff

    Alright, i'm all out of ideas as to what bands I need to look into, so I figured i'd get you guys to recommend me stuff. And for the record, my favourite bands = Immolation Myrkskog Zyklon Decapitated Exhumed
  12. Tanith

    My new site, wewt. I've only finished the forums, website will be up in a few days. You can find it at, and if you can't work it out, the forums are located at As you can see, i've had very little activity so far, which is...
  13. Tanith

    My heavy metal forum

    I need some traffic for my forum, so I figured this would be the place to go. The URL is . I'm working on a site currently. Go and have a look, i'm quite proud of it.
  14. Tanith


    I'm new and all. This place looks pretty cool, don't tend to find many true metal website. Anyway, I'm Tanith (duh) and I have a site and all. Just its lacking everything, till I bother to fix stuff. Anyway, feel free to throw shit and stuff at me cause i'm a newb.