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  1. Infernium

    Ever wondered how much creative producer does?

    A finished song recorded rerecorded by producer Tim Palmer (Veoh if myspace down) It's pretty fun...
  2. Infernium

    Any more of this North American blackish & acoustic doom?

    Hey guys.. I've been lately listening alot of Woods of Ypres and Agalloch and I've been wondering are there any other bands alike to check out? Is there an underground genre of this stuff going on or are those bands totaly unrelated? I know there are a promising number of quite similar bands...
  3. Infernium

    Touching story about a heavy metal Santa Claus and Pursuit of the Vikings Hehe, most of ya have probably seen this, but it's a nice little play some guys made about santa claus bringing guitars for christmas and then playing Pursuit of the Vikings with the old man! I have to say though...
  4. Infernium

    Groan of the Wind sample in Spine Player AWESOME!!! Honestly, I LOVE the way they changed the song! Infernal death was good but this is ten times better! I have to add that the vocals sound a bit too harsh for the cleared up sounds. I hope they get a slight change to be less painful for the ears. The...
  5. Infernium

    Singing In My Time of Need.. as well as other Opeth stuff

    Heyall. One of the reason I like Opeth is my love to sing/play some of the songs, mostly the mellow onces that can be played more or less good enough with only one guitar. I have big probles singing the speak-one-word verses of In My Time of Need though. I cant breath at all and my voice breaks...
  6. Infernium

    Guitar Pro 5!

    I'm sure there are tons of guitar players using GP out there. They just released new version of this ultimate tabbing program at You can download a 15 day demo. It seems quite much like GP 4 at first try. Does anyone know what's new in it? It...
  7. Infernium

    Kalmah - The Black Waltz

    Since there was something about the new Norther album why not this one too. Finnish melodeath band Kalmah are currently in studio recording a new album called "The Black Waltz". The planned release is early 2006. The studio diary and song tittles can be found at
  8. Infernium

    Opeth T-Shirts

    Hey, i would like to get an opeth t-shirt, specialy "Download" or the white shirt with big logo in front. I noticed the official webstore does not have those and few places i found are all out of stock, so do you know any place where i could order them? PayPal would be nice. Thanks.
  9. Infernium

    Metal internet webstores

    Yea i know there must be thousand of topics like this, but the search is not working and i am way to lazy to start scanning down the forums, so give me links to good places to buy metal stuff over internet. PayPal would be nice too. I am mostly looking for clothing, wallflags, necklaces, ect...
  10. Infernium

    Where to order Mjölnir from?

    Hey, i've been looking for a website that ships good looking mjölnir necklaces to europe. The model i'm looking for is just like Teds in VS The World booklet or Fredriks in Fate of Norns booklet (i trust you have the real albums) The reason this has been little tricky, is that the prefered way...
  11. Infernium

    Neofolk, Dark Ambient, Dark wave and similar.

    I am very new to the athmospheric dark electronical music so i'd have few questions for those who know better. What exactly is Neofolk? Any bands to suggest? From what i've heard it's something along ambient or similar with a touch of pagan germanic or national socialist influences on lyrics. Am...
  12. Infernium

    Release date of the new album

    Henkka revealed that the next Children Of Bodom studio album will be recorded in Helsinki with Mikko Karmila but not in the Finnvox studios. It's not known yet if the recordings which where scheduled for March will be delayed due to Alexi's broken arm. The release date of the album will be...
  13. Infernium

    Athmospheric Black...

    Recommend me some good melodic/athmosphere black metal, please! I think i know most of the mainstream ones so underground bands! Thanks!
  14. Infernium

    Best CoB melodys?

    I mean the high lead melodys by Alexi or sometimes Warmen, not the rhythm riff parts or other heavy stuff, alltho they are great too! To name few, i would say: In The Shadows 04:20 first keyboards then guitars join the same melody, sounds awesome Mask of Sanity intro 00:00 first cool...
  15. Infernium

    Some questions to Dan Swanö about Vinterland.

    Hello, I hope you have the time to answer these few questions about my new musical love, Vinterland. There doesen't seem to be any webpage about Vinterland, or them i'm just too stupid to find it, if the is, please give me the url and accept my apologies about useless post. So, Vinterland...
  16. Infernium

    Top 5 Kalmah Songs!

    Yup, what are your 5 favourite Kalmah songs? And try to put them in line! For me the 4 first were quite easy but there was lots of competion about the 5th place betweet Moon Of My Nights, Cloned Insanity and Swamphell. Anyway here goes mine: 1. Heroes To Us 2. Dance Of The Waters 3...
  17. Infernium

    Vordven. Any similar?

    Hello there, i was wondering does anyone remember this awesome band? Vordven actually made only one album, one EP and one demo before they broke up at 2000 but it is still one of my favourite bands. Yet i do not know the genre very well, vordven is somekind of black metal with really a lot of...
  18. Infernium

    Top Metal Nation?

    What is the "Top Metal Nation" meaning, where does the best metal come from? Not where your favourite band comes from, but as overal. If you cant remember where you favourite bands come from heres some help: Finland Children of Bodom Nightwish Norther Kalmah Finntroll Moonsorrow...
  19. Infernium

    Few questions yet again.

    Firstly, are there any more released with the name of Kalmah (or even nonreleased demos and such) than Svieri Obraza, Swamplord, They Will Return and Swampsong? Or even just a little bit different second editions or maybe some one-country special editions or anything? I´m asking becouse i'd...
  20. Infernium

    Future of Pasi Hiltula and Kalmah.

    Hello. I belive there are tons of Pasi Hiltulas fans like me dying for some information about his future protects, so please Kalmah, share all information you got about what will he be doing in future. Solo-projects? Or is he just taking a break for education or something? Also did he left...