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  1. S

    link for single ??????????????????

    could someone send me a link to download the new single please, tried just about all the places advertised on the web site but cant find new saxon single on it
  2. S

    Saxon mp3 ringtones ?

    Anyone no where i can get some saxon mp3 ringtones from of net ( full songs) ?
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    New saxon cd

    saxon release there new cd on march 5th entitled "The Inner Sanctum".:rock:
  4. S

    what would your set be for sheffield ?

    1, Stallions of the highway 2, English man o war 3, wheels of steel 5, Lionheart 6, Killing ground 7, Man and machine 8, Dallas 1pm 9, The eagle has Landed 10, To hell and back again 11...
  5. S

    the eagle has landed re release

    EMI re release The eagle has landed with 6 extra live tracks added
  6. S

    Lionheart V A matter of life and death

    Got the new maiden cd the other day and i gotta say that yeah it is better then maidens last two or three previous releases and i deff like 6 out of the ten songs the other 4 i cant make my mind up about yet. The first thing i noticed about it was the vocals and on a good part of the album its...
  7. S

    saxon studio album lottery

    ok might sound like a daft thread this, but i thought it might be a bit on fun As we no saxon are in the studio doing there new studio album as well as the fest dates. So just for a crazy idea would anyone like to have a crack at naming the title of saxons next album ive had a few...
  8. S

    cool site ( includes our fav band saxon )

    For those who have not seen this site its called go into music section type in saxon some of the stuff on there has stuff sent in by someone under the name of saxon. But theres also stuff on there by our fav band check it out.
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    Saxon uk fest

    saxon have what about 12 festival dates so far this summer coming up which is great, but not one of them in the uk. Come on saxon managment lets have one at least this summer in the uk, The rock and blues fest maybe or the bulldog bash or whatever. ROCK THE NATIONS YEAH, NOT JUST OVERSEAS...
  10. S

    Would it be cool if

    Would it be cool if Biff, paul, nibbs, and doug had there own website like nigel has which i visit quite a bit, Whats peoples thoughts on this. Maybe cause of touring, putting albums and dvds etc etc they dont have the time i dont no but nigel keeps his website updated pritty good considering...
  11. S

    32 or 36

    On Amazon its got The eagle has landed 111 with a track listing of 32 tracks in classic rock its posting it as 36 tracks anyone no
  12. S

    Manchester acad pics

    Ok i got 41 pics of saxon at the manchester acad only trouble is i cant get them on this board those that wanna see the pics you can get them through my profile on Those that cant get this sorry, someone might copy em of my profile and stick em board for ya cheers...
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    pics on forum

    How do ya get ya pics onto the forum please ?
  14. S

    cheers saxon

    A big thankyou to saxon for a great concert at the astoria, Brill set list well worth the 400 mile round trip, Bumped into paul and doug in the street before the concert cheers for the quick chat, had no bloody camera on me or pen dam never mind maybe next time. Cant wait for tonights concert...
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    :rolleyes: Id like to say a very big thankyou NOT to the promoter at the london astoria for the up and coming concert this sunday. Just to be on the safe side id thought id ring the venue to see on the safe side if is was ok for me to film saxon on me vidio cam, spoke to a women first on the...
  16. S

    This would be my set list ( London )

    If there was a saxon comp and you won it, the prize was to pick the set list for the London concert what would it be in no order max 21 songs. Or which ever concert your going to. 1, Motorcycle man 2, suzie hold on 3, wheels of steel 4, Dallas 1pm 5, Lionheart 6, Man and machine 7, The...
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    Saxon concert ticket for sale

    Ok ive got a saxon ticket for sale for the manchester acadamy, Due to someone was going to go with us but cause of work cant now the ticket is £15.00 anyone interested can email me at
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    Lionheart for Antham

    Lionheart couldent be a more perfect song for the England football fans, for this years world cup that would be awsome even the verses you could scream out not just the chorus every lyric in that song sung by the fans as loud as possible would get the England team into 1st gear Cant think of...
  19. S

    The eagle has Landed 111

    Has any one heard the track listing yet for this album ?. Has stated on the web site theres going to be over 30 songs on it, Hopeing to here at least on it stallions of the highway, suzie hold on, Lionheart, Man and machine etc etc.
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    Saxons mailing list

    i subcribed to saxons mailing list which runs of the web site and it says the first to recieve saxon news, but since subcribing to it way back i havent had a thing of it. Just wondered if anybody has ?