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    Hey A fire Inside!!!

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    its been awhile!

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    FC in The UK The show is called The FC in The UK and it is being described as Bill Hicks/George Carlin hosting a one hour Metal show,It is even being called the Stern show of the Internet. The show is laced with adult humor,political bantor and Metal. This show is one hour long and is...
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    Looking for reviews on a radio show!

    I am looking for reviews of the Radio show The FC in The UK! All reviews will be posted on the shows website and credit given to those who do the review good or bad. This show is being syndicated by 7 (and counting) radio stations worldwide. We are looking for some feedback from people the...
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    Underground Comp Vol.3!

    Rapture Radio in late 04 and early 05 released 2 compilation cd's comprised of bands that had been featured on the Underground show The Rapture Sabbath including the likes of Warmachine,Penetrator,Betrayer,BloodshotEye,The Green Evening Requiem and more! Over this time though only 50 copies of...
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    Who I am,What I am......

    Listen closely! I will NOT be shut down by fears of investigation,I will not be silenced by the majority.I will not back down from being a person with goals to be met,I will also not be pressured by the silent amongst the screaming. Attention naysayers the louder you get or the more you...
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    Oklahomas best Bring the Noise

    This Sunday Oklahoma's only source for Metal Rapture Radio will play host to Oklahoma's Infinate Records roster. Rapture Host Wes Jaques and Ray Herdon whom were featured in the Feb 19th issue of The Oklahoma Gazette will do an in depth show featuring the entire Infinate...
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    Since day one here at Rapture Radio,Well let me rephrase that since the day I was born I have been convinced the powers that be did not like me nor want me to be good at anything.When I hit a tree doing 73mph was my first clue,When my harness broke while rockclimbing hanging upside down 175 feet...
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    Hey Twan!

    You wouldnt know why our Hours in Your part of the world have droped 75% would you? I figured You and Rob were bumping the station 24/7! Whats goin on??????????? :Smug:
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    Rapture on MYSPACE!
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    Our Forum is Dying............

    :cry: :ill: :yell:
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    Katagory V Lands at #5 in the Rapture Top 20 this Week!

    Congrats to you guys for making it in the Top 5 in our weekly Top 20! "No Responce" has gained alot of attention since being added to the playlist! If anyone is interested in receiving the Rapture Top 20 each week just log onto and sighn up its free!
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    I want some emails people!

    Hey Everyone! Lets get some email request and just some "How tha Fuck Ya doin?" emails to the ol email box will ya's?
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    Vanessa is in the Closet

    So Vanessa was making a mix cd for her car and I just so happened to walk by and look at the cd's a pile of Pig Destroyer,Unearth,Opeth and at the very bottom SONATA ARTICA! BUSTED! Power Metal Princess! :grin:
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    Listen for Katagory on Rapture Radio!

    You can hear Katagory V on Rapture Radio
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    Wow this idea sounds totaly familiar,Wiosh I had thought of it first.........

    We at militia have decided to do a little something different for this upcoming cd, in the past we have given away a free track or two on the previous cd's to bands for a variety of different reasons. This time we are going to have a contest, the contest will be 1 month long and here is how it...
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    New Station ID'S

    What do you guys think of the new spots I made?
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    Twan Contact Vanessa

    obviously page problems, Vanessa emailed you, please email her back, thanks! :yell:
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    An email from Beyond the Embrace!

    Wes, Happy New Year! I'm Oscar Gouveia from the band Beyond the Embrace. I just wanted to send you this e-mail to thank you on behalf of us all in BTE for supporting us and spinning our newest CD "INSECT SONG" on your show. We can't tell you how much we appreciate it. Because of your...