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  1. R

    Has anyone read Aniara?

    I was wondering if any Seventh Wonder fans have checked out or own "Aniara: An Epic Science Fiction Poem"? After listening to "The Great Escape" so much I really wanted to read the poem the song was based off of.
  2. R


    Hey guys! I was on my bands site (TerraNova) and seen you guy had a myspace. Awesome! So any chance your gonna come to America? Or do we have to come over there? lol
  3. R

    Any vidoes??

    Hey guys us people in America ( and other country) would like to see some clips if possible of live shows...since we cant see the real deal! any plans for this?
  4. R

    Work out before shows?

    I was wondering if you guys do some form of exercise before a show. ive noticed alot of bands seem to do some exercise before a show (jumping jack,push ups, etc) anyone in the band do this?
  5. R

    AH!...I missed alot!!

    once again, proof that my pc is evil...An attempt to load windows XP went bad and wiped everything on my pc...and inturn...i didnt get to hear about the new album!!! AHH...damn it But i have now..YES! Ill still have to preorder it though...I went into several music stores asking if their...
  6. R

    Worse Show

    Well...anyone in a band has had them..a show where something or everythign didnt go em up... Heres mine: OK, before this day even took place my band did a show last night where we wernt able to leave and be home till around mindnight. The show for today was a diabetic walk...
  7. R

    Your favorite cover song

    Ok...I dont know about any of you guys that are in a band...or well...instrumentalists...but what is your favorite song to jam too?..more or less a cover you havent written.. For me, my favorite song is Iron Maidens "Fear of the Dark". That or maybe Master of Puppets by...