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  1. themooseisloose

    strapping young lad setlist, anyone?

    i'm seeing SYL this sunday, and i was wondering if anyone knows what the song lineup is thanks
  2. themooseisloose

    strapping young lad setlist, anyone?

    i'm seeing SYL this sunday, and i was wondering if anyone knows what the song lineup is thanks
  3. themooseisloose

    Opeth tour setlist

    i'm bringing some people to the show on the 27th that aren't that familiar with the band, so i want them to hear the stuff first, because im not even sure if it's going to be a heavy or light set so what's the setlist?
  4. themooseisloose

    New York Hypocrisy Show

    what was the hypocrisy playlist? i got there a bit late due to subway delays and missed a bit of their set
  5. themooseisloose

    new to vintersorg

    i'm a huge borknagar fan, and have pretty much the entire discography of their previous two singers (garm and simen) but have nothing at all from vintersorg, who is simply amazing... any suggestions for stuff i should purchase?
  6. themooseisloose

    for all you americans...

    im going to the Dimmu/Nevermore/ etc etc show on 12/12 and i was wondering what the general opinion of the Nevermore set has been? also, what are they playing? thanks
  7. themooseisloose

    for all you americans...

    im going to the dimmu/CoB/etc show on 12/12, whats been the general opinion of their set from those of you who have seen it? also, what are they playing?
  8. themooseisloose

    dimmu borgir: love them or hate them?

    so whats the general opinion of dimmu borgir here?...
  9. themooseisloose

    Steve Wilson

    so what do you guys think of steve wilson? this could be interesting...
  10. themooseisloose

    Vortex vs Vintersorg

    for borknagar, who do you think did a better job? also, if you consider the work that they've done over the lengths of their musical careers, who do you appreciate more? personally, i enjoyed the music that borknagar put out more when they were with simen, but i think vintersorg is simply...