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  1. WIntersReflection

    :Walks in, dumps her suitcases on the floor and says: "I'm Back!"

    Hello all, sorry about my long absence, been having a rough time lately but I'll try to appear more. :) Special hugs to Bryant (the goof who's gotten me addicted to Vanden Plas) and all my other friends:cool:
  2. WIntersReflection

    The Goofus Thread

    This thread is for being silly, telling jokes and all that sort of thing. :) Here is my first joke: A very dirty little fellow came in from playing in the yard and asked his mother, "Who am I?" Ready to play the game she said, "I don't know! Who are you?" "WOW!" cried the child...
  3. WIntersReflection

    Zed Yago Fans?

    I heard that they now have a deal with Desbow Records Rough Trade At any rate, I'm excited over the new album, YAYYYY Zed YAGOOOO!
  4. WIntersReflection

    Tad Morose Name Game

    Okay this Tad Morose related game goes like this. You make a sentence or two that must make some kind of sense, using the names of band members, albums, songs and bits of lyrics. All of them must be from... TAD MOROSE! :loco: I'll start it up. Not to long ago I found another day...
  5. WIntersReflection

    Tad Morose Interview Up At

    Hello everyone! I recently interviewed Christer "Krunt" Andersson from Tad Morose for Metal Temple! I'm still turning cartwheels over it, to be honest, it really made my day! Here is a link to the page at where you can read the interview. It also has links to the...
  6. WIntersReflection

    A Little Morning Insanity

    Where'd I put my slippers? Oh gosh, is that the sun? What is it up at this hour for? Ahhhh! :Tripping over overenthusiastic and hungry housecat: Mm... coffee! Man... VANDEN PLAS RULES! Ah, the perfect script... Anyone ever think that Brainy smurf can't possibly have been given...
  7. WIntersReflection

    Some Nice Thoughts For Ya

    Some Nice Thoughts For Ya
  8. WIntersReflection

    Some Random Thoughts From My Diseased Mind

    A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. If my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN. Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege. Knowledge is realizing that the street is one-way, wisdom is looking both...
  9. WIntersReflection

    Yayyy Bryant's Back!

    Yayyy, Bryant has returned to wreak havoc with me!
  10. WIntersReflection

    What Is The First Tad Morose Song You Heard?

    What is the first Tad Morose song you heard? The one I heard first was, "Where the Sun Never Shines", which is how I feel this morning, lol. But at any rate, great to see you all! :wave:
  11. WIntersReflection

    Urban - How goes the great recording?

    Hello Urban :) So how goes the great recording? :)
  12. WIntersReflection

    Anders Posts?

    Whatever happened to Anders, I haven't seen him around here for quite some time?
  13. WIntersReflection

    Best Wishes For Your Thursday! (and other rambles not especially related to TM)

    Best Wishes For Your Thursday! :wave: Sorry I've been quiet but I've been depressed lately... :( But here I am, with smilies and a big toothy grin for ya! And also my copy of Dio's: Dream Evil YAYYAYAYAYAYAY! :rock:
  14. WIntersReflection

    The News, Elections and Alice COOPER

    Now I dislike Bush as much as the next person, I think he's a terrible president and I pray the next one to be elected is better than he is :shudders at the thought of a worse president:. I am not sure America has ever been less popular and he hasn't helped the economy even a little bit imho...
  15. WIntersReflection

    Tad Morose Mascot?

    I've been thinking today about bands and their mascots, what do you think TM's would be if they had one? Got any ideas, sketched out any goofy scribbles that could work? Me, I think that wizard looking guy on the cover of Undead'd do just fine.. Course he'd have to be drawn bigger and he'd be...
  16. WIntersReflection

    Good Morning Flo!

    Good Morning Flo, how are you doing? :Spin:
  17. WIntersReflection

    Hit the books (Now Reading Thread)

    I can't find the old now reading thread so here's a new one :loco: Thats what it gets for disappearing on me like a rabbit into a hat! Now Reading:Celtic Design-Animal Patterns by Aidan Meehan Wish me luck, these patterns look hard! And they do!
  18. WIntersReflection

    Ugh, public appearances

    Ugh, public appearances, tons of wonderful, beautiful, brutal bands out there and the public over here (when they think of it at all) figure that only glam and Nu Metal are metal... There are very few Nu Metal bands that are better then average and the same with glam... ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG!
  19. WIntersReflection

    What Songs Tad Morose then other best describe your life at the moment?

    So what Tad Morose song(s) best describe your life at the moment, and after that what other bands songs best describe your life about now? My Tad Morose one would be "Take on the World" because it feels like I may be finally making some slow progress in my life... although when you catch me...
  20. WIntersReflection


    Wake up, wake up, it's time to smash the alarm clock! Lol, but seriously up and at 'em folks, the week's started (even in the USA where we've had a long weekend) and it's time to shake off those hangovers and the like and remember how to talk So how was everyone's weekend? Mine was...