Search results

  1. K of London

    how do you go about staining your frets?

    hi, i want to darken my frets from dark brown to a more black colour. Ive guessed to do this id need to use woodstain, and perhaps some laquer. can someone here give me a proper answer? and if i have sharkfins on the fretboard, should these be protected from the stainer or will it not affect...
  2. K of London

    Can anyone advise me on starting the drums?

    Hello, I'm already a competent lead guitarist and i want to play the drums to eventually reach a high standard. My goal is to become a technical death metal drummer. I have some problems, the main one being that I don't know a lot about drums, and second im going to be teaching myself. I...
  3. K of London

    can some guitarists advise me please ?

    I just replaced my old set up which was a marshall jmp1 midi pre amp and mesa boogie power amp to get something more simple so i got a mesa boogie triple rectifier head :D anyway, the problem is cabs. I dont have one at the moment, and i'm wondering whether its worth getting a matching mesa...
  4. K of London

    message for Thilo

    hello, i was on seduction's web page, and just wanted to know how i can get m hands on a copy of your 2 demos, im sure im not the only person here who'd want to know :) i didnt see any info on this on th esite, but if there was any, sorry - im not the brightest person also did you have...
  5. K of London

    have any of you put active pickups onto an ibanez ?

    ive ordered some EMG 81 and 85 pickups to replace the 2 humbuckers on my RG570ex. anyway, this guitar has a single coil as well and a 5 wat selector. I have 2 worries ; the first being that there wont be space inside the guitar for the battery. so have any of you done this ? and will i have to...
  6. K of London

    COB to play norway !

    husk at i mai måned kommer children of badom til norge faktisk snakk om i sandefjord>parken ........... this is what ive heard anyway ... maybe i'll see you there :)
  7. K of London

    Lead guitarist available

    Hello, Im a lead guitarist who can play rhythm, who seeks an original metal band my influences are in heavy, death, black and power metal .. my favourite bands being Children of Bodom, Immortal, Sonata Arctica, Sinergy, Dissection, Iron Maiden, Decapitated ..... I'm really after a band who are...
  8. K of London

    full version of cob + sinergy @wacken 2002 available

    just posting to say i have the cut version and the uncut version of the wacken 2002 shows of cob and sinergy ../ and yes needles 24 7 is featured, on the full version anyway :) I want to trade for more cob boots my list is at mail me or PM me if you're...
  9. K of London

    how do i downtune my 6 string to b, like a 7 string ... it has a locking nut

    how do i downtune my 6 string to b, like a 7 string ???... it has a locking nut I want to do this to my 6 string jackson, and keep the same sort of string tension i know i have to remove the nut, downtune and then move the springs at the back and use heavier gauge strings does anybody...
  10. K of London

    My New ICQ number

    Hello ! I finally got ICQ working here in London again, so if you want to add me please do !! the number is 167082149 and msn is OK, I get my wacken pictures tomorow !! so I post some of them up on the sinergy board
  11. K of London

    who's going to wacken ??

    I wanted to meet up with as many people as i could so far Im meeting johanna and zarok666, is anybody else gonna join us Im coming with my mate alex, and a brasilian girl called selma is anyone else interested ?
  12. K of London

    where is everybody from?

    Im from London :)
  13. K of London

    Hi - I'd like to introduce myself

    Hi !! My name is Kiran, Im from London, Im 16 ( and a half !! ), and Ive been into COb since 1997 now, thanks to a very nice girl in norway reccomending them to me Im a pretty decent lead guitar player, and I play in a band , who are nameless and singerless at the moment, although the...
  14. K of London

    does anybody want to join a london based Metal band in sept. ?

    Me, and my mate Dany ( who occasionally posts as Dany Metal ) have formed a band. we're guitarists ( suprising yes ? ) , Im better at lead, hes more of a songwriter we're both mad on iron maiden, I love children of bodom too ... we want to play Metal basically, not nu metal, Dany has...