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  1. Dick Sirloin

    Is CRIMSON the best death metal album ever?

    Choose wisely.
  2. Dick Sirloin

    Best Albums of 2015

    Got a solid top five, and a lot vying for the next five... SUFJAN STEVENS - Carrie & Lowell PANDA BEAR - Panda Bear Meets the Grim Reaper (+EPs) GODSPEED YOU! BLACK EMPEROR - Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress OBSEQUIAE - Aria of Vernal Tombs D'ANGELO AND THE VANGUARD - Black Messiah
  3. Dick Sirloin

    Serial / The Jinx

    Both of these have redefined True Crime and documentaries in general. I mean.... :OMG: But I mainly want to talk about Serial, since The Jinx is so obvious. So gloriously, cathartically obvious! SERIAL: I've never seen a case make less sense from both sides, and make even less sense the more...
  4. Dick Sirloin

    Give me a new band to become obsessed with

    I miss the magic of discovery, in which I immerse myself in a band's catalogue, clinging to every note and lyric. Where's my next Iron Maiden, David Bowie, etc? Have I listened to TOO MUCH?
  5. Dick Sirloin

    I can't be arsed... listen to a 60+ min album anymore. Just can't. Ain't nobody got time for that. There are maybe 15-20 exceptions. Just do your shit and be done with it!
  6. Dick Sirloin

    KAYO DOT - Coffins on Io

    Sorry folks, but this shit is fucking beautiful. Forget everything you know or think you know about this band. And LISTEN! "The Mortality of Doves" <----- new track released a few days ago. The real :OMG: one "Library Subterranean" And yes, this deserves its own thread.
  7. Dick Sirloin


    We're already approaching the halfway point of the '10s. I'd like to check out some stuff I've missed (metal/prog/whatever). Let's do this! No limit, but at least try to rank them. Put some effort into it, goddammit! :rock: The hipster (i.e. non-metal) report: 1. EMA &#8211; Past Life...
  8. Dick Sirloin

    Suggestions For Starting A Website?

    BASICS: I just want a site (no blog shit) that I can make look decent. Brief bio, free writing samples, a few mp3s, and possibly a way to download an Kindle/e-version of my book (for like $3 or some shit). Basically something akin to Bandcamp for writers. Shit looks good for publishers, and I...
  9. Dick Sirloin

    The 4 Seasons

    Simple. Name ONE track apiece that sums up, FOR YOU: Winter Spring Summer Fall Report back to me by at least the end of the the cold Australian summer.
  10. Dick Sirloin

    AGALLOCH - The Serpent And The Sphere

    No matter how hard I try, I can't get into the latest 2 releases. But this one will be THE BEST EVER! 1. Pale Folklore 2. Ashes Against The Grain 3. The Mantle ... (the rest of all that stuff)
  11. Dick Sirloin

    VAURA - The Missing

    Listening party
  12. Dick Sirloin

    Is anyone else PUMPED about the new Nokturnal Mortum?

    Let's hype this shit up, '03 style
  13. Dick Sirloin


    UM has been pimping them for three years. They must be pretty good.
  14. Dick Sirloin

    SLOWDIVE - Souvlaki

    Jesus chrizzo what a sonofabitchin great album!
  15. Dick Sirloin

    So did dorian's wife finally kill him?

    Because I care.
  16. Dick Sirloin

    If you had a choice to nail ONE celebrity....

    ....who would it be? Since Morgan Freeman is too old, I think I'd have to go with:
  17. Dick Sirloin

    2013 Non-Metal Faggotry

    News broke yesterday that DAVID BOWIE will be releasing a new album in March, his first in 10 years. The cover art is......... provocative, to say the least. My emotions for this: :Smokin: :erk: :OMG: :kickass:
  18. Dick Sirloin

    The Thread In Which You Denounce A Shitty Previously-Held Opinion

    I'll start, of course. Apparently it has taken me eight years to realize that is the goddamn gold standard for what black metal is supposed to be "these days". My bad. Disregard anything stupid I might have said about this album.
  19. Dick Sirloin

    Anyone here ever been a deliveryman?

    If so, I WANT STORIES. I'm sure you'd come across some weird shit every now and then......
  20. Dick Sirloin

    Genius songs by non-genius bands

    I think we had a thread like this once, but I can't be arsed to find it. Anyway, I don't mean to discredit WZ as a band or anything--their shit is good headblasting fun, especially this time of year. But OH BOY they never did anything close to the greatness of this: I'll think of...