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  1. V.V.V.V.V.

    Maryland Deathfest 2012: Collected Works

    So, that was a fucking crazy weekend. We all have tales to tell, lessons learned about various things and, I'm sure, band/set reviews. Let's get to it. PREPARE FOR THE GIANT POST. First crazy thing was (and I'm sure he will corroborate this story later) that Jeremy's car had an issue with it...
  2. V.V.V.V.V.

    ORIGINAL GRAVITY: In-depth craft + draft beer reviews by yours truly

    Hey all. Those who either follow me on Facebook or on this forum (you dirty stalkers know who you are, don't kid yourselves) know via my posts that I have recently become a freelance blogger for a local newspaper. I don't get paid but I do get an audience, which is the most important thing to...
  3. V.V.V.V.V.

    MDF ROLL-CALL 2012

    So dudes, MDF is like 7 months away but tickets are already dwindling. The Facebook MDF page says there are <400 tickets for Thurs-Sun available now (October 24, 2011). That means we need to get our shit together because it's selling out FAST. We need to plan, convene and make sure everyone who...
  4. V.V.V.V.V.

    Maryland Deathfest XI : May 24-27, 2012

    Hey dudes. Figured I'd start this up now because I'm already pumped for next year's MDF. I was unfortunately unable to be in attendance this past fest due to reasons out of my control that many of you know about, but I'll be ready to make the trek once again in '12! You know how this...
  5. V.V.V.V.V.


    I am allowed this thread because a). I are mod. b). I are now 21 years of age and legally able to procure, purchase and consume alcoholic beverages in their varied forms. You shall now recommend me fine spirits to imbibe and/or wish me a happy birthday. Go!
  6. V.V.V.V.V.

    Meh, why not. Go there and make a dude and fight people. It's basically just randomized and is a fun time waster, but you can only do 3 battles a day apparently, which is sort of lame. Regardless, kind of fun. is mine if you want to become MY PUPIL.
  7. V.V.V.V.V.

    Axelrod and Emanuel; Obama's Senior Advisor and Chief of Staff respectively...ftw?

    I think this is good news so far. People are saying Obama is being partisan by picking Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff but...what do they think, he's going to pick a Republican? I think it'd be interesting to see McCain in his cabinet tbh. What do you all think?
  8. V.V.V.V.V.

    Abnormality live on WUML webstream tonight

    7 PM eastern US time. Should stream in-browser automatically. I'll be there, taking da pics. This band is in fucking Rock Band btw. I am friends with them. Listen to them or I'll kill you. -V5
  9. V.V.V.V.V.

    Christians suck; world still turns FAIL EPIC FAIL
  10. V.V.V.V.V.

    Peter Wichers rejoins Soilwork FTW. That will be all.
  11. V.V.V.V.V.

    Hot For Words etc. etc. ftw
  12. V.V.V.V.V.

    Suffocation Drummer Hired by Experimental Band He is still in Suffo since this is a studio only project but I'll look forward to hearing what he does.
  13. V.V.V.V.V.

    Rush Limbaugh fails; in other news, world keeps turning Oh and this is satire. But I would not put it past Denver officials :lol:
  14. V.V.V.V.V.

    Old-School Death/etc. Demos Thanks to Mort Divine for showing me this...hopefully some people here take advantage of it. I highly recommend the Disgorge and Intestine Baalism demos. There are 4 pages total right now.
  15. V.V.V.V.V.

    This makes me sick, and I think brutal death metal artwork is funny

    Full story I'm sure you've all heard this already but...I can't believe humanity at times like this. What. The. FUCK.
  16. V.V.V.V.V.

    Njiqahdda - Nji Black Metal Art Majick

    These guys added Ichorous a while back but I only recently listened to them. BUY THEIR FUCKING STUFF! They fucking rule really hard. PS start on the third track there if you want some asskicking black metal.
  17. V.V.V.V.V.

    Soldrøm - Nostalgic Metal by yours truly All songs written, sequenced, recorded, edited and mastered by me on the computer (FL Studio) between 2005 and 2007. Please check it out...the 6 songs there comprise a demo which I may eventually make available as a CDr for those who want it (downloading off the...
  18. V.V.V.V.V.

    Teens Charged in 'Mortal Kombat' Death

  19. V.V.V.V.V.

    POLL: Who is going to MDF '08 + more options

    Maryland Deathfest '08 is gonna probably end up being a big UM clusterfuck. I think we'll leave the MDF thread alone and end up talking about it/counting down here. In addition, genocideroach wants a show of hands as to people who are going who will shell out some money (remember, the more...
  20. V.V.V.V.V.

    New Miasma Song (Yes, THE Miasma...) Please discuss Miasma further here. They reformed last year but this is from their demo this year, and is news to me. If you people knew about this but never told me, I will be very angry with you all. I was just listening to Changes. What a fucking...