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  1. Rocky Raccoon


    Hi guys Just thought I'd post this here as well as Trade Me. I have an Opeth personalised plate for sale if anyone is interested. Viewable here:- Cheers!:grin:
  2. Rocky Raccoon

    Hi Mike/Anna

    Just cruious as to why Opeth are playing dates in Australia but not New Zealand this time? My guess is its to do with all the politics of promters and what not?:mad: Just thought I'd reiterate the fact that you have a boatload (cruise ship) of fans here dying to see you and we thoroughly...
  3. Rocky Raccoon

    Monika Dannemann paintings of Hendrix

    Does anyone know where I can view any of these on the net? Im not having much luck finding any..
  4. Rocky Raccoon

    So has anyone heard the new Megadeth?

    Whats it like? Is it any good?
  5. Rocky Raccoon

    Madder Mortem

    Whats everyones thoughts on this band?
  6. Rocky Raccoon

    In the woods

    So I often see these guys mentioned around these parts. What does everyone think of them? Worth checking out? What album would be the best to start with or is their best overall? Edit:- Fuck sorry guys, Mr S please relocate to "Non-Opeth Chat"
  7. Rocky Raccoon

    Favourite Mars Volta Studio album?

    On a bit of a Mars Volta binge at the moment seen as I just saw them live, interested to know everyones favourite album..
  8. Rocky Raccoon

    Just saw The Mars Volta play last night..

    Fuck do they kick ass live or what? I was pretty blowin away! Who else here has seen them live? What did you think? I thought the new drummer did a really good job, very high energy and a very hard hitter at times. Still love Jon Theodre but man, this new drummer is brilliant in diferent ways...
  9. Rocky Raccoon

    Mike on the Chilli's

    So we have all heard what Mike says about the Chilli's on lamentations.. (that they release the same album over and over etc) Who agrees with Mike and why and who disagrees and why?
  10. Rocky Raccoon

    Drum n Bass

    Hi guys On a bit of a D & B kick at the moment but I know a very limited amount of good stuff. The two I've been listening to lately have been Diesel Boy and Pendulum. Can anyone please recommend some more QUAULITY drum and bass? Cheers in advance!
  11. Rocky Raccoon

    Radiohead Vs Porcupine Tree

    So I thought this would be an interesting comparision... Discuss :)
  12. Rocky Raccoon

    NEW MDB:- A line of deathless kings

    So what does everyone think of this album ? I havent heard it yet but saw it cheap so was wondering if it was worth picking up
  13. Rocky Raccoon

    Avenged Sevenfold

    What does everyone here think of these guys? I haven't heard them myself so can't comment as yet...
  14. Rocky Raccoon

    Red Hot Chilli Peppers

    So what does everyone here think of this band? Alot of people have been singing their praises lately but my personal opinion is that they are just a really average band that does nothing what so ever for me... I've read Anthony Keidis's Autobiography though and it was quite a good read, I knew...
  15. Rocky Raccoon

    Whos better? Jeff Loomis or Alexi..

    As much as I love Alexi, I would have to say jeff Loomis annihilates him! (For those who don't know, Jeff Loomis is the Nevermore guitarist)
  16. Rocky Raccoon

    Akercocke's latest, bonus DVD

    So who has watched the DVD that comes with words that go unspoken? I found it pretty crack up, especially the guy from "Italy". I showed it to a mate who doesn't even know Akercocke or really like metal and even she was cracking up! Thoughts?
  17. Rocky Raccoon

    Thread for Dectric/Pethical

    Steve Irwin really is dead now, Killed by a stingray this morning :OMG:
  18. Rocky Raccoon


    Since there is whole threads dedicated to shit bands like Dragonforce, I thought I would create a thread for a band that actually deserves recognizing... Enslaved are from Norway, their latest album is called "Ruun" and it kicks fucking ass!! Discuss!
  19. Rocky Raccoon

    Trailor Park Boys

    So who watches this great canadian comedy? I think its pretty fucking well done aye. Bubbles is the best!!!!!
  20. Rocky Raccoon


    So I don't see Pantera mentioned much here. I think they were one of the best bands to come out of the 90's... What does everyone else think? Favourite album? Love them? Hate them? WHY?