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  1. E

    Metal Quotes?

    OK, so I am going to graduate highschool this year, and we are supposed to have "senior quotes" picked out by next week. I want a good quote about life from a metal artist, along the lines of that great one by Mikael that was something like "If music were a woman, I'd be desperate to fuck...
  2. E

    what drum program to use?

    Hi, simple question: What programs do you guys use to program drums for recording and stuff? I play drums and all, but I can only record with one mic, which sounds kinda shitty. To make it on-topic: I shall record some Opeth if you guys help me out.
  3. E

    I just tabbed "Light of Day, Day of Darkness" I made it my goal to tab out all of "Light of Day, Day of Darkness" by Green Carnation. And guess what? I did it. It's least I think so. It's not really that difficult to play on guitar. I didn't do the bass part. So far I have yet to see someone tab it out on the...
  4. E

    How to do Death vocals?

    I was wondering if anyone knew how to do death vocals like Mikael's (more like the Bloodbath ones, preferably), and could give me a few pointers on how to do it. I would like to think that anyone could do it with practice, but I'm afraid I might not have a deep enough voice to begin with...