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  1. swallowyoursoul

    Nevermore 2003

    If I'm right...and please correct me if I'm wrong, the new album will be out around Feb 2003. Has anyone here heard anything from the new album ie clips, soundbites?? It seems to me that they've really shut the door and have been keeping a very tight lip on this new record. Does anybody know...
  2. swallowyoursoul

    Best Carcass song!

    Actually let's make it the top 3. Picking one is just too hard! :OMG: Here are no particular order: Is this your life This Mortal Coil Incarnate solvent abuse I'd like to put Blind bleeding the Blind in there, but I'd have Idea which one of those to drop...
  3. swallowyoursoul

    Will we ever hear the new album?

    Is it just me or are the boys from Nevermore taking for ever to get this album out. It seems like its been for ever!! Does anyone know anything new about their upcoming CD?
  4. swallowyoursoul


    my band is located in toronto but I'm from Eastport and the bassist and drummer are from lab city. Pretty freaky that the 3 of us met up, but weirder shit has happened. Anyways we're called "swallowyoursoul". We just finished mastering our demo and MP3's of our stuff should be available when...
  5. swallowyoursoul

    Swallowyoursoul..heavier than hell

    Swallowyoursoul from toronto canada has just finished recording and mastering their self-titled demo. Very aggressive and hard hitting. Track list: 1. The natural 2. Cultivated 3. Mass exodus gallery 4. An assembly 5. #1 Jackass The original demo was stolen from my car so there is...
  6. swallowyoursoul

    Warped Tour Dates

    Does anyone know what stops Nevermore will be making on "The Warped Tour" and what dates those shows are on. I'd definitely sit through everthing else the warped tour has to offer have just to get a chance to see these guys in an open enviroment.
  7. swallowyoursoul


    Just curious how much time you're spending each day when it comes to recording/mixing the new Nevermore album. I find that my ears are useless after about 8 of of listening, each day. I've tried al sorts of ways of trying to relax, but when my ears are tired....they are tired and there seems...
  8. swallowyoursoul

    What (in your own opinion) makes nevermore so great!

    I've been a nevermore fan since the In Memory EP, and I have to say that these guys jusy seem to get better and better. What makes them soo great, besides the fact that Warrel can articulate his voice anyway he deems. Or the fact the Jeff comes up with some of the most original heavy riffs...
  9. swallowyoursoul

    What'sthe worst cover song you've ever heard!!!

    Crowbar-Dreamweaver It was never a good song to begin with, so they decided to make it slower and even boring. All the while the singer is sounding like he's constipated and trying to take a dump. It's really long so it makes it even worse. So what other crap do you know about!!!
  10. swallowyoursoul

    The last step

    I've got everything done for my recording except the vox. I plan on doubling it up for the choruses and key parts of the verses. But whenever I use reverb or delay it tends to sound a bit washed. I'm listening really carefully and i can never get a happy medium between, being loud enough over...
  11. swallowyoursoul

    Doubling up

    It's so hard to tell some times but do the majority of albums, that you've done, have all the guit. tracks doubled. I like amount of girth that you seem to applying to the guitar sound, rich and fat with great clarity. I'm not sure if it's the set-up I'm using, but I've always doubled guit...
  12. swallowyoursoul

    Balls Bus???

    I remember some engineer in the studio referring to a balls bus for the drums. Obviously, this bus is some sort of drums mix w/effects. Do they mix the entire kit to this bus or just parts? Also what effects get put on this track? I think he's just using a ton of compression...maybe to give...
  13. swallowyoursoul


    How many..and which ones....of the Savatage albums did Alex play on. I'm not realy into them but I'm just curious as to what kind of stuff, Alex is doin'. Are any of those albums worth getting. My definition of "worth", is something I won't turn off or skip the first time through.
  14. swallowyoursoul

    at the gates

    Does anyone know how to play "cold" BY at the gates? I Figured most of it out except for 1/3 of the solo. I should be able to figure the solo out but, does any one what weird effect he uses halfway through with those bends?
  15. swallowyoursoul


    What does that mean. Does anybody know what also is being said during the song, in English.
  16. swallowyoursoul

    Sanctuary Albums

    I'm looking to back log my Nevermore collection into the Sanctuary years the only problem I have is, how many Sanctuary albums are there and what where their titles.
  17. swallowyoursoul

    James' tumor??

    Does anybody know the recent news on james condition. Last I heard he hed surgery on it. Seemes pretty guesome, apparently the had to enter his brain through his jaw area??
  18. swallowyoursoul

    alex or james

    quite simple who's a better fit to the testament sound, James Murphy or Alex Scholnick. Take into account that all the stuff james plays is dropped 1 full step and alex was in standard tuning, so james' sound already has more girth.
  19. swallowyoursoul

    nevermore cover tunes

    I remeber hearing this before DHIADW came out. The band mentioned that they had enough cover tunes recorded to release a cover album or something close to that, I belive I read it in BW&BK. Anyways, they decided against it, apparently because of all the cover songs/albums that were out ie...
  20. swallowyoursoul

    The Loomis effect

    Does anybody know what gear Jeff Loomis uses. What I'm really interested is what he uses for his lead tone.