Search results

  1. Schwedentod

    Motala setlist - some great surprises!!!

    Hello everyone, I was at the Motala Metal Festival yesterday. And I was really surprised by the setlist dt played, there were some songs not played for a long time or even never played before. So, if you want to be surprised on the upcoming tour, don't read on... The setlist yesterday...
  2. Schwedentod

    Headlining Tour?!?

    Hello all, I just found something interesting on the german SPV-page --> Hatesphere (so the label's page about the band): Ab 01.12. gehen HATESPHERE zusammen mit CHIMAIRA und DARK TRANQUILITY auf Europe Tour!!!! Daten folgen ... --> From the 1st of December, Hatesphere go on european...
  3. Schwedentod

    Tomas left Nightrage

    Here's some really bad news, at least for all Nightrage-fans (I'm one of them): sais: "The bad news first. Tomas has decided to leave us and here is his statement: Dear fans of Nightrage and metal in general, I´m sad to announce my departure from the...
  4. Schwedentod

    The definite, new "How Do You Feel" Thread

    NF: Hoping that this is what hyena wanted...
  5. Schwedentod

    Gates Of Metal 2005

    Hello everyone, this is about - guess - the upcoming edition of Gates Of Metal. Since dark tranquillity are playing, I thought it would be worth an own thread (so not within "Festvals 2005"). Historical questions: Has anyone here already been at Gates Of Metal before? Did you like it? Is...
  6. Schwedentod

    Happy Birthday Caro!!!

    So, I was at right now and saw there, that a forum-member named DragonLady gets older today... And: dadaaaaaaa, yes, it's Caro! Happy Birthday and all the best! I hope, you had a fine day and that there'll be a party tonight! Greetings, Daniel
  7. Schwedentod

    At The Gates Reunion and Rumors

    Hello all, just wanted to tell you the latest concerning the possibility of an At The Gates Reunion. Yesterday I talked to Tomas Lindberg, he played with The Great Deciever here in Trier. I first asked him if there's a chance to see Nightrage live some time in the future. This might be...
  8. Schwedentod

    Reviews Oberhausen and Langen, pics Langen

    Hello all, I just uploaded these 2 reviews and the pics I took in Langen on my page. So far, only in German, but you find the pics the following way: ==>"Die Band" ==> "Langen, Stadthalle, 21.02.2005" The pics are at the bottom of the...
  9. Schwedentod

    A Moonclad Reflection for sale at ebay

    Right now, I found a new auction selling "A Moonclad Reflection" right here: Article-number is 4071931093 Maybe some of you are interested in this. Looks like the guy / girl (?) ahips only within Germany, but...
  10. Schwedentod

    official CHARACTER Release-/Pre-Listening Party!

    Hello all. It took some time to get everything together and a couple of people are already informed, but now I think it can be brought to public: There WILL be a release party for "Character"! It will take place on January, 21st (a Friday) in a small pub in Montabaur, Germany (exactly...
  11. Schwedentod

    The "upcoming album" Thread

    Hello all, I thought it would be time for a thread, where we collect all facts concerning DT's upcoming release. There aren't much until now, but however, I think this will change in near future! So come on, let's see what we have so far...
  12. Schwedentod

    Look at this...

    Seems like the amerians opened up another chapter in the long "how should I write DT's name properly"-story. I found this at ebay, article-number 3822881234.
  13. Schwedentod

    So now, what do you think of "Exposures"?

    OK, Exposures is finally released and I got it in a store today. Right now, I give it a first listen and reached "In Sight", track no. 4 on the first CD. Because of that, I can't yet tell you what my overall impression is, of course, but my first one is quite good! So, to all the "normal"...
  14. Schwedentod

    RockHard Festival, Gelsenkirchen, Germany, 30th of May

    Hello all, is someone here going to the abouve mentioned festival? I will be there, got tickets at ebay because I'll only be there on Sunday to watch DT... :hotjump: Maybe someone would like to have a beer with me... :grin: See you all... somewhere, sometime...
  15. Schwedentod

    Meeting each other on festivals...

    I think the title speaks for itself... Is there anyone interested in meeting other forum members on a festival some of us are? So, since monday I've got my summer breeze tickets so I'll be there and in Wacken. Anyone here who wants to meet me there and have a beer with me?!? I would be very...
  16. Schwedentod

    DT Fanpage in German and English

    First of all sorry to post the 2nd new Thread within 10 minutes... I wanted to tell you that I did a dark tranquillity fanpage in German and English language. I am especially proud of the biography, maybe some of you will have a look? PLEASE!!! I'm really excited of every Visitor! You'll...
  17. Schwedentod

    DT do it for the money?!?

    Hello Guys, great to be here with you! Yesterday, I talked to a promoter of Nuclear Blast and he told me that they wanted to sign DT but they (or their management) wanted too much money... I know the guys because I met them 3 times and I never had the impression that they would do their music...