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  1. Kudzu

    The Heartwork sound

    Heya ladies and gentlemen. I've always been a big Carcass fan, Heartwork being my favorite. Recently I picked up the guitar again and started fiddling around with death metal sounds, tuning down to D, strings as fat as satan's dick, etc...but I've been digging Heartwork for so long that it's...
  2. Kudzu


  3. Kudzu


  4. Kudzu

    USA vs Europe

    Unlike its title suggests, this is not a hate thread. If it turns into a mindless battle it should be locked. Thanx. *** It's quite clear that the 2 continents have evolved differently. US is a great powerful empire, and in Europe we only have rain and metal...
  5. Kudzu

    Vinyl or CD?

    When I spend my beloved money on music (wich I do very rarely) I always try to get the vinyl edition. There's something special about vinyls. The color, the strange sound, the giant cover that you hang on the wall and masturbate every time you see it. You just have the feeling you are buying...
  6. Kudzu

    The Paranormal Thread

    Going to spend a night in a supposedly haunted place is one of the things you have to do before you die and go to hell. Lights, cameras, and some drugs to enhance the experience (if something weird happens and you're stoned, you can shit bricks) and being on edge all the time trying not to...
  7. Kudzu


    So...what's goin' on with these fellas? Are they together? Have they split up again? Are they recording stuff? The last thing I heard is that they reunited, did a few gigs, then dissapeared. Does anyone really know anything about any plans from the band? I assume most people here like them...
  8. Kudzu

    The non-metal recommendations thread!

    Awkay so apparently the big forums have recommendations thread and we haven't. If it doesn't work it will just go to the bottom and be forgotten. No stress. It's not about reviewing stuff, just reccomending, sort of "ah yeah I like this cd cos' it gets me horny" or "I cry everytime I listen to...
  9. Kudzu

    Anyone alive?

    Well, just that. Anyone around here still? Post whatever pops into ur minds.