Search results

  1. USMC0341

    Look who the cat dragged in...

    No...not Poison...just your friendly neighborhood jarhead who's been MIA for the last - oh - 7 or 8 months. Glad to see the plankowners still have this joint running smoothly and keeping the peace. So what's the latest and greatest? :rock: :rock: :rock: JB
  2. USMC0341

    Metal: A Headbanger's Journey

    RAVE reviews for this documentary so far from all the fil festivals where it's been shows. Not sure of the release date in the states, but Warner BVrothers has picked it up and it's supposed to be in theaters...I'm assumng sometime in early 2006 from what the producer, Sam Dunn has told me. I...
  3. USMC0341

    Howdy People

    Just wanted to say what's up people...haven't been around in a while so I thought I'd say hi... Happy Holidays and I hope you all are well...
  4. USMC0341

    Still here...

    Just wanted to say what's up to everyone - I've been a little MIA lately with the baby coming and all...also been spending time on the HD Forum because I'm buying a bike at the end of the year. And who do you think is one of the characters I run into over on the HD Forum? None other than the...
  5. USMC0341

    An update on "The History of Metal"

    Hey all...just a quick update: As some of you may remember, maybe a year ago - someone posted a link to an article regarding a documentary Banger Productions was shooting on the history of Metal. They were taking requests from fans to get screened for interviews etc in a bunch of the major...
  6. USMC0341

    Analog Pedals vs Digital Pedals

    Looking for some opinions: Analog pedals vs Digital. I'm a simple guy when it comes to my guitar sound, but I'm not very adept at dialing in what I like. All I need is a very thick, heavy and clear crunch (I play a Jackson soloist with EMG HZ pickups through a 100w Ibanez ToneBlaster amp)...
  7. USMC0341

    Howdy everyone

    Sorry I've been here and there over the past few months...I've always checked the boards, just haven't always had time to post anything. So how is everyone lately? Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all of you...I hope you all had a safe and fulfilling 2004. So...what's new with me. Not...
  8. USMC0341

    Capo for a 6 string bass

    I know - very fucked up question. Does anyone know of any manufacturers that make a capo that would fit a 6 string bass? The neck is around 88mm at the 12th fret (around 3 1/4 inches). The neck is very flat so there's no radius to worry about. I think I am going to have to have someone...
  9. USMC0341


    A few comments on Dime and what happened: First off, I am still reeling from what happened. It's horrible and it has affected me in a big way. When Cliff Burton died, I was devastated but it was an accident, and somehow that was kind of acceptable, because accidents do happen. Someone...
  10. USMC0341

    Anyone have their own website?

    Hey - how many of you all have your own websites? Anyone care to post a link so we can take a look? If you have a metal-oriented site and want to exchange banners, I would be happy to do so... :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
  11. USMC0341

    Metal: A Headbanger's History

    What's up everyone...the interview went REALLY well. Me and the other "contestants" went to BB King's in NYC with the 2 guys from Banger Productions. They filled us in on what the whole documentary is about and what they are looking for, and then they took each of us out and did an on-camera...
  12. USMC0341

    “Metal: A Headbanger’s History"

    Hey everyone...if you remember, someone posted some information on this Metal Documentary that is being filmed. After reading that post, I went to the site and submitted my name and number to be interviewed. I had an initial phone interview about 3-4 weeks ago, and they said they would let us...
  13. USMC0341

    Ozzfest 2004 Review

    OK - here you all go (I'll only cover the bands I actually give a shit about): 2nd Stage started at 10 AM...Lacuna Coil opened up - chick has a great voice but the guy is annoying - their older shit is much more aggressive...newer stuff is more poppy Unearth - These guys are dyed in the...
  14. USMC0341

    Been a while

    Good to see everyone again...sorry I haven't posted in a while...been busy as hell...Ozzfest in Jersey this Friday - from what I have read, the shows are unbelievable. Judas Priest has an awesome setlist, and Tony Iommi puts on a guitar clinic for EVERYONE there... Should be pretty awesome...
  15. USMC0341

    Children of Bodom

    Not too sure how many of your all listen to these guys...but I picked up "Hatecrew Deathroll" a few weeks ago, and I can't get enopugh of COB...awesome rhythms and Alexi's vocals are pretty damn awesome if you ask me... I'll be picking up all of their prior releases...definitely a good...
  16. USMC0341

    Sixxswine Is The Fucking Man!!!!

    Got the "prize" today in the mail fuckin' rock dude...absolutely awesome. I'll be checking out all the goodies well into the night tonight... would only be right that I put something together...give me a little while to come up with a good "contest" of sorts and I'll lay it...
  17. USMC0341

    USMC0341 Pics

    OK everyone...I've been here for a little while (and I have been most warmly welcomed by so many cool people in Old School - I can't tell you how much I appreciate that)...I figured I'd post some pics of me during my time in the Marines and some of my wife and I with the members of Slayer last...
  18. USMC0341

    Posting Pics

    Stupid question...I know how to post a pic that resides on a website...but I can't seem to figure out how to upload pics off my local PC...I have some pretty good ones I'd like to share...anyone have some suggestions?
  19. USMC0341

    Worst Show You've Ever Seen

    This should garner some interesting posts: What is the worst live show you have ever seen? Who were the bands, where and when was the show and why was it so horrible?
  20. USMC0341

    Favorite Guitar Solos

    OK...there are some guitar solos that completely grab me by the spine and shake me when I hear about we get a thread going where we all post our favorites... In no particluar order: 1) Cliff Burton's bass solo after the middle break on "Orion" - Fucking AWESOME, and something I...