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  1. serenesorrow


    Just a minor error, it was Lindal Loakes that played bass on the Sakkuth EP, not Vaughn Piffero. Killer CD that one :grin: Time and Sweet Nectar :rock:
  2. serenesorrow

    Deaths Boundaries URL

    Hey Goreripper Death's Boundaries have a website:
  3. serenesorrow

    Need some feedback on my playing/writing

    Hey ceydn's thread gave me the idea of giving everyone a listen to my stuff but I didn't want to hijack his thread so I've knocked up a copycat one of my own :D (Ohh yeah and my equipment's lamer 10W amp!!!:rock: ) Dunno if you lot will enjoy it but hey why not? :D Just want to see what you all...
  4. serenesorrow

    backing tracks

    Is there any way to make a backing track by removing the lead somehow? I was wanting to do Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (I-V) for a school performance and don't really want to use accompaniment. Does anyone know anything about this? Or does a backing track have to be specifically...
  5. serenesorrow

    purchasing a bass..

    sorry if there's other threads like this but I know there's a lot of bassists on this board and i was wandering whats a good bass to buy. I've been playing guitar for about 2 years, and I'm not entirely new to bass so I want something probably mid-range so I wouldn't have to buy another for a...
  6. serenesorrow

    recommended songs/styles?

    Does anyone have any recommendations for songs that would be practical for performances in high school and hsc (end of high school) level for electric guitar? I don't really care about the styles but i need some things that aren't ridiculously hard to play, but would be impressive enough to get...
  7. serenesorrow

    irregular metre

    could anyone recommend some good metal (or not) songs that make a lot of use of irregular metres or frequent time signature changes? im currently learning about it at school and i need some examples. thanks for any help.
  8. serenesorrow

    guitar harmonics

    what is the difference between artificial harmonics and semi-harmonics i always just thought they were the same? also my friend and i were having a laugh at his guitar because half the pickups(?) in his humbuckers were screws ive seen this on a lot of entry level guitars and i was wondering...
  9. serenesorrow


    With harmonies in metal what is the most common interval?? 4ths or 3rds? Any other recommended intervals to experiment with or tips with harmonies? Anything would be good. thanks :grin:
  10. serenesorrow

    signature/avatar pics

    does anyone know any free sites where i could get a small image hosted for use as a signature or avatar (that will not give that remote linking forbidden image) thanks
  11. serenesorrow

    signature/avatar pics

    does anyone know any free sites where i could get a small image hosted for use as a signature or avatar (that will not give that remote linking forbidden image) thanks
  12. serenesorrow

    signature/avatar pics

    does anyone know any free sites where i could get a small image hosted for use as a signature or avatar (that will not give that remote linking forbidden image) thanks
  13. serenesorrow

    how you hold your pick

    Sorry if this has been asked a lot but I've been playing guitar for a bit over a year now and I've been holding the pick between thumb and index finger. Coming up at school is our music performance where me and some other people are going to play Master of Puppets. I have heard that Hetfield...
  14. serenesorrow


    I was wondering if anyone knew a good site that had tabs or sheet music for Satriani songs especially Crystal Planet?
  15. serenesorrow


    Does anyone have any info about the Australian band Misery? A website? Or maybe where to get their CD's? Is the band still active? Thanks.
  16. serenesorrow

    dt bonus tracks

    what bonus tracks have dt had on their albums over the years for japan releases/limited editions etc? the only one i could remember was exposure and i can't find any sites with them. thanks. edit: also have they done any covers other than my friend of misery ?
  17. serenesorrow

    aussie metal forums

    does anyone know of anyone other more active australian metal forums? ultimatemetal is great but there doesnt seem to be a huge turnout in here* edit: *in the australian scene board
  18. serenesorrow


    did anyone go to grounded the other day? if so what you think about it?
  19. serenesorrow

    sydney concerts??

    could someone tell me some cool sydney metal concerts for under 18's?? because i can't get to mftb until i can drive so thats shit anyone here going to grounded? (hey i know most of its punk shit but its the best anyone i knew could find for under 18s)
  20. serenesorrow

    drum software

    Could someone please tell me if there is any free software out there that I could add drums to my songs with and maybe use as a metronome? I've only been playing guitar for about a year but I've started mucking around with sound recorder, and singing, and drumming on the arms of my chair...