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  1. D

    Opinions on my death metal band.

    Hey everyone, me and my band I currently searching for a singer. I'd say we're making death melodic but it may vary from song to song. We have 6 songs recorded and a 7th one which we are working on right now. Just give your opinions on the music, considering there is no lyrics... but I hope it...
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    My Death Metal Band

    Check this out, plz tell us what you think. I know it's instrumental but we are currently searching for a singer and I hope to find one soon. So give your comments about the musical part. Thx to those who will listen to it.
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    My band stuff

    I told I tried to put some of our stuff on internet. There it is : It's instrumental, cause we're searching for a singer as I said. (Maybe it won't work right now, cause I've created it just a minute ago)
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    Some of my band Songs

    Hey everyone, I found that it isn't a so bad idea to make you listen to our stuff, as the dude from Innerdream just did. Don't be too hard on us, it is only instrumental for now, cause we're searching for a singer. Try at, it should work.
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    Putting my songs on Internet

    Hi, I've seen that it is a good idea to put songs on Internet. I thought that my stuff sucked a little too much to try it. But listening to others stuff, I really don't mean that the others stuff suck!, in fact it's good stuff. But, listening to others, I may not be that bad. The things is that...
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    How to perfect his guitar playing

    Well, I've been playing for 13 years (I'm 21) and I think I am getting to the edge. I mean that I tend to have more and more difficulties to first, get my licks cleaner, and second, to get them faster. I am practicing hard my arpagios (which is my biggest difficulties) etc. But! I was hoping...
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    Question about taking a drummer?

    I met a drummer and he's quite good, real good. Able to play some slayer, etc. He's played metal for 3 or 4 years (black metal) but been playing Jazz for the last 2 or 3 years. We have tried playing together, he awesomly good, but we can see clearly his Jazz style, which is weird, but cool...
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    Persuader VS. Blind Guardian

    Don't know if the comparison has been made before, but I would like to get your opinions on this one. I love blind guardian mainly cause of the singer. The riffs aren't hard enough and there is too much choir since one or two albums. So...I discovered Persuader. It is so awesome! The guys has...
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    Psycroptic Drummer

    I just wanted to know.... is this guy real or what?!?! Damn.... If it is a guy, and not a program such as Reason or something like it....this guy is definitly crazy. And for those who have seen them live, how does he play live? Is it the same???
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    Is Jon Schaffer game over?

    According to me, he should be game over, but will never be. A guy which is so selfish and cannot stand for better musician than him is nothing but a jerk. Saying that Diggorgio (sorry for the spelling there) is not able to play bass the way it should be played is just a joke!!! Have you heard...
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    Do you buy or download your albums?

    According to me, downloading the entire album of a band is damn shit. Metal bands are definitely not making so much money....except for some of them. But anyway, in my case, I only download a couple of song to check if the band is good or not. All my friends, and I am happy to see it, which...
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    What are the best musicians of metal music (drummer, guitar, base)?

    Give your points of view on who you think are the best drummer, guitarist, basist, singer and even keyboard player of metal music (no matter what kind of metal they play) Keyboard or piano and all the other stuff : I have to go with the one from Dimmu Borgir (I don't know his name, sorry). He...
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    When do I use Pettrucci's style

    Hi everyone. For those of you who tried to play some of John Pettrucci's songs, you probably notice that there is always somewhere in the song a fast picking scale. In fact, it is often not even a scale, it is just picking everything from point A to B. You know like ...
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    Drummer needed

    Me and a friend started a band....Death Melodic I suppose. Our inspiration comes from Children of Bodom, Ensiferum, Amon Amarth, etc. Even Dimmu Borgir and Decapitated. The thing is that we come from a place where metal is not the big thing.....sadly..... We come from Quebec (for those who knows...
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    What is wrong with Yngwie Malmsteen?

    Hi everyone, I've been reading your posts for a long time, but now I've decided to register. Here is what I wanna talk about : For a couple of month, I've been hearing more and more people saying that Yngwie Malmsteen sucks. In my point of view, Malsteen isn't playing original, wierd stuff...