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  1. Dark_Jester

    Happy Birthday Fishy!

    To the Siren of the Atlantean Shores, in the name of the Far-reaching Empire of Torak-Thor, the Armada of the Pirate Lord Q'Oth, and the Dark Jester, I wish you a very happy birthday, a harem of beautiful mermen and a salubrious and, dare I say it, illustrious time. Keep smiling Siren :)
  2. Dark_Jester

    Democracy or Epistocracy?

    After all the debate in the UK over the past month over this general election, and over a long period over such matters as Europe and the European Constitution, as well as some misunderstanding of the inner workings of the English court system in some high profile cases, I have decided to launch...
  3. Dark_Jester

    What makes you get up in the morning?

    Please, no 'my alarm clock, har har har' style answers! ;) So, what makes you get up in the morning, what makes life worth living for you? Is it loved ones, a sense of duty? Do you just enjoy every day and find yourself looking forward to the prospect of another day full of experiences, or do...
  4. Dark_Jester

    'The State of the (Failing) Union address'

    Friends, nobles, countrymen, lend me your ears, I come to praise this forum, not to bury it! In fact, we need to raise it out of the ground and douse it with holy water from preventing it from turning into the evil undead. Which is cool, but not in forum form. We've seen a few changes in the...
  5. Dark_Jester

    Happy Birthday Anna!

    Dearest Anna, have a gloriously happy birthday. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the kindness, support and understanding you have shown me. Again, happy birthday! :grin: All my love, Ben. :)
  6. Dark_Jester

    Rahvin, I'm bored.

    Meet me on ICQ or something. Feel free to delete this message whenever. :grin:
  7. Dark_Jester

    Happy Birthday OnyxDragon98

    Nobody else has got round to it yet, so I figured I would say a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY ONYXDRAGON98! See? That's big. Have a good day dude :grin:
  8. Dark_Jester

    WOAH, Northern Lights is here! :O

    Heh heh heh, couldn't resist ;) NL says hi by the way :grin:
  9. Dark_Jester

    'Something good happened today' <--You? Post here!

    I've decided to start a new thread to get away from some of the stigma of the old 'now feeling' thread. So, the name of the game is to post anything that's happened to you today that's been good, made you feel happy, made you smile, whatever. Here goes nothin': Today, I finally picked up the...
  10. Dark_Jester

    New Alterna-Forum now open!

    Right, we've been promising it for a while now, and so me and Jack have put together an alternate forum for the more off-topic stuff, primarily as a refuge for when UM goes all DE, or uber-slow. At the moment it's a temporary ezboard, but depending on popularity, me and Jack are planning on...
  11. Dark_Jester

    Fishy Business

    Ben - unofficially engaged says: haddock Ben says: but thats just a red herring Mr. Reaver - tell me the trout says: squidz Ben says: tell you what, ill talk to the cods, and borrow their mussel Mr. Reaver - tell me the trout says: only if you fillet my bream. Ben says: im feeling...
  12. Dark_Jester

    The Oscars

    So, LOTR finally gained the recognition it deserved, claiming 11 awards and being the only movie to claim all the awards it was nominated for since Ben Hur and Gigi. Congrats Peter Jackson, your hard work and dedication paid off. On a second note, best actor. What the hell happened there...
  13. Dark_Jester

    Internet Crime

    As some of you may already know, this semester I'm taking a module in Internet Crime, and this is an area I have a great interest in, I want to be an international expert in this field, write papers and maybe even help to create a substantial virtual police presence on the Internet. Anyway...
  14. Dark_Jester

    The Creativity Thread

    Time for something different. Use this thread to post anything that you feel particularly proud of. Artwork, poetry, short stories, lyrics, sound bytes, any creative achievements you have. Use it to promote yourself, and to show the world what you can do :grin:
  15. Dark_Jester

    The comparative religion thread

    Not sure if this has been done before here, but if it has, who gives a damn? :grin: Use this thread to tell us what makes you tick theologically. Do you have faith in any organised religion? Do you follow your own pagan way? Are you completely atheistic in your view point? How much have...
  16. Dark_Jester

    Important: Please Read

    Well, as our esteemed moderator hasn't seemed to be around to keep us (read: me) under control over the past few days, I think it's time for... MUTINY!!! That's right friends, as a long-standing but not quite stable resident here, I've taken it upon myself to nominate myself as myself...I mean...
  17. Dark_Jester

    I am Zebedee, Lord of the Woods!

    BOW DOWN SNAIL! I have dominion here... Bow down to spring-boy, king of the roundabout!
  18. Dark_Jester

    And then

    All the goblins came out! And they were like 'YAAAAAAAARGH! GTRAK MISHNAK THUIR!' So, me and the guys, we ran, but then Glodhopper turned round and said 'roight me laddios, ah not be runnin from nooo stinky goblins! Come on ye skallywags, lets be 'avin them!' We ran at them with a mighty 'FOR...
  19. Dark_Jester

    Battle Royale thread!

    Ha ha ha ha! You want something exciting? I have now captured this board for the forces of the Totally Awesome Liberation Knights (TALK), and now all threads will be moderated by me, Captain Jester, and Slimey, the second in careful what you wish for, people of Earth, for I shall...
  20. Dark_Jester

    Which guitar?

    Ok, the time has come where I've decided that I need a second guitar. My current is a yamaha sg500b, perfect for what it does, but it has only 22 frets, and no whammy bar/tremolo arm/whatever you want to call it. Anyway, I've decided on BC Rich after playing one in a music store and finding it...