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  1. T

    If this isn't about $$$$$$, then why another DVD???

    Perhaps John Bush's versions on MMD and TGOTE weren't good enough for someone? Or the 4 VHS's from the Bloey era weren't enough Or, following the Greed Simmons business model? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  2. T

    (non reunion post!) Tom Jones last night in C-Bus!!!

    This was supposed to be a birthday gift for me mum, but since my dad is battling the evil known as cancer, she stayed with him back home, so my buddy Billy and I decided for shits and giggles we'd go see Tom Jones anyway. :OMG: That motherfucker sings like a f*cking machine. He doesn't strain a...
  3. T

    This whole thing seems very contrived (reunion - press conference)

    They didn't look at all like a "family." It seemed very unnatural. Their hearts are not in this. I think we will see them begging to get Bush back in a year or so. But I would not blame JB one bit if he pulls a Hagar and tells $cott to fuck off. Who's to say Vera and Bush won't play our...
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    All of you Milano haters have to admit he was right.

    Jewcifer and Charlene have struck. If Scott would have paid his taxes and not had two divorces maybe John Bush wouldn't have a knife in his back.
  5. T

    The new Anthrax press release....

    .... was utterly, completely, desperately, and grossly lame and pathetic. This reunion will bring the band NO farther than a new album (W/ BUSH) would. THANKS $COTT for doing your best Gene $immon$ imitation, only, this press conference is gayer than KISS in spandex. This reunion, resonates a...
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    AWESOME, extensive clothing catalog, made my a friend of mine, check it out: My buddy Jerry Neal, best restaurant manager/bar manager in Ohio decided to start a side business. Check this shit out!
  7. T

    Don't forget your AC/DC DVD tomorrow!!

    "Family Jewels" Disc one has some early Oz TV performances, promo videos, as well as Euro TV appearances a mere 10 days before Bon's Death! Disc Two has all of the promotional clips from Back in Black thru Razors Edge (I dunno why they left off the "Ballbreaker," and "Stiff" vids, not that...
  8. T

    Justin: w/out reading down on the thread link, can you tell me the venue where these are from! This is some cool shit....
  9. T

    Insomnia and the designated driver...Man

    Man, this is my weekend to be the DD for my circle of friends, so up I stay with my cellphone to keep my pals out of jail. Thankfully only two have called (and one of those turned into a near misadventure) It's fun to watch drunk people when you are sober because it's like "Jesus, I hope I never...
  10. T

    Curb Your Enthusiasm...

    What a great show. Larry David is such an ass to everyone. Reminds me of a certain board member. But seriously, anyone else watch the series???? Best comedy out there right now IMHO.
  11. T

    More Bush speculation from the AS board....

    "I heard through some reliable sources that John will NOT be returning after the reunion shows. He feels betrayed and should. Scott and Charlie are backstabbing, money grubbin' asses with no loyalty. I for one am not that sad as I think that Saint is much better than Anthrax and would love to...
  12. T

    Armored Saint should open the Priest/Ryche tour!

    Since John now has the summer free! Who do have to talk to to get this to happen. Armored Saint playing a big ol' ampitheatre would rock. Then while Queensryche played, I could go get some beer, and then come back for Catholic Priest. I think I have something here.
  13. T

    Happy Easter!

    Hope everyone had a nice Good Friday ( I went to the Mongolian BBQ - good stuff!) and enjoys Easter. I won't turn this in to religious speech, because I know many on this board are non-believers, but it's a holiday, so everyone should get with their families and be thankful for the time...
  14. T

    Priest US tour starts May 31st in Minny!

    wsg: Queensryche (playing all pre-Mindcrime stuff ) "mostly" outdoor venues 8 weeks North American tour full details next week....... I guess Judas Catholic Priest and Iron Maidenfest will be my two shows of the summer. That and of course the Red Rocker :hotjump:
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    Hot or Not Heavy Metal Style LOL

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------ :loco:
  16. T

    Ramones: "End of the Century" film comes out 2moro

    This film got rave reviews upon it's theatrical release last summer. I haven't watched it yet, but I understand, it looks at the "darker" perspective of their career: No hits (chart wise) No gold albums Johnny and Joey didn't speak for over a decade. Dee Dee's drug problems Cancer amongs...
  17. T

    Rolling Stone says ANTHRAX are on Ozzfest...

    ...Just a little blurb in the newest issue, it reads "the original Anthrax will spearhead Ozzfest." But despite these constant rumors, my "in the know" sources keep telling me Anthrax ARE NOT doing Ozzfest. Who knows anymore??? Scott used to be one of my heroes, but he says one thing and does...
  18. T

    O/T: My alma matter OHIO U. won the MAC!!!

    That's right. The BOBCATS are the champions yo!! Kiss my ass, haters. Now we are going to win the NCAA.
  19. T

    I'm gonna develop a sitcom...

    I was thinking of a skit making fun of all that which is politically correct in the U.S. today. The skit is a sitcom set in suburbia. THE PC'S. The main characters are a wholesome white-bred family, the mother is recently deceased leaving the father Paul Chapman to take care of two boys...
  20. T

    Did Gregadeth actually get that guy with the cool avatar banned..

    :yell: It's Gregabitch now. He gave Bitch-boy a "zing" about his son, and bitchboy "turned him into the UM authorities." How sad. I should turn gregabitch in for being so retarded with is math and calendar reading skills, let alone lack of humor.