Search results

  1. Wanderer

    Mar de Grises

    Mar de Grises! I've recently discovered that awesome band! They are from Chile a little of bit black metal a little of bit elend a little of bit progresive and mostly doom metal. Mar de Grises has lately become in one of the most successful doom metal bands not only in Chile but also in...
  2. Wanderer

    Doom metal from istanbul

    This is a band i recently discovered.They are from Istanbul and playing doom metal.This song is from their forth comming promo MCD.If you like katatonia you will like that too. They are called "Distopia" and the song is called "Departure"...
  3. Wanderer

    Happy Katatonia's day

    Drink to March 4 :kickass:
  4. Wanderer

    March 4?

    Where does it name come from? Is it an important day for you? Or something else?
  5. Wanderer

    july 4th

    gods have returned i did not expect to see you again in turkey just in time you returned again i have lost myself for about 2 months a friend and a lover left me alone and thats cost 2 months and maybe more now i am listening brave drinkin' LADOGA i am sure that you will play from BMD [one...
  6. Wanderer

    Knock Out?

    Opeth will be here next year in Turkey (they said that in their gig in Turkey) .I wish you would be there too so that we could be knock out (KO)
  7. Wanderer

    RFD theme...

    theme of the requiem of a dream is an excellent work if you have never heard (it is nearly impossible) you must get it
  8. Wanderer

    hmm and the others

    The bands we did not talk about... Lacrimas Profundure Novembre Lunar Aurora Solefald A Canorous Quintet What do you think about these bands?
  9. Wanderer

    Love Of The Swan

    When did you compose "Love Of The Swan" and who?
  10. Wanderer

    The Gods Walk The Realms

    They were here.I listen them live.I talked with them.And they took my Raki.I could not imagine i can see them live but i..... If you want pics "Katatonia at Turkey e-mail me "How could this go so very NICE?"
  11. Wanderer

    best lyric????

    which song have the best lyrics? i vote for Gateways of bravement