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  1. vomit

    Anthrax V. Iron Maiden

    So Anthrax has 30 year celebrations for SOE. Also stuff for POT (a great album). Where's the love for "White Noise"? Arguably there best. And it's been 25 years now. Are they afraid to play it? And why? Bruce Dickinson...probably the best front man in metal.....has NO PROBLEM...singing his...
  2. vomit

    Saint to tour US this summer.....

    .....and play SoS in its entirety! Could be a scene.....
  3. vomit

    Saint to tour US this summer.....

    ......and play SoS in its entirety!
  4. vomit

    Anthrax in "It"

    Just took my kids to see "It". Very good movie and two Anthrax snippets. One of the characters has an Anthrax ATL "Follow Me or Die" shirt. AND they play a tidbit of "Antisocial" during the rock fight scene. Cool stuff. Great flick.
  5. vomit

    ARMORED SAINT in Milwaukee!

    Yes!!! A headlining show at the metal grill! Who's there with me??????
  6. vomit

    Charlie Benante & Bush

    For those who didn't see it: Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. What a wank!
  7. vomit


    This is old "news" but still good. I know this place is dead....but what do you all think? If I wasn't so lazy I'd post a link. But I am (lazy) so that's all I got!:OMG:
  8. vomit

    O/T Question for the mods

    I was researching the archive, and while I can go back and see the Board from 2002 and on, I cannot find any of my posts prior to 2006. Just curious? Help a brother out.
  9. vomit

    O/T NFL 2011

    Well peeps it's time to get this one going. Who are you all rooting for? Myself, it's Dallas...hopefully a new coach can get this sideshow going. Maybe this thread will bring Tman out of the woodwork!
  10. vomit

    Off topic

    Really off. WHY don't they have lights in small refrigerators? For the love of God, I may grab a soda instead of a Blatz! Bad morning, so far....or not....:Smokin:
  11. vomit

    Charlie giving Bush the Finger? Charlie Benante: "The hardest thing about this is choosing this guy over that guy or whatever, and for me speaking right now, the classic ANTHRAX lineup is, of course, from the mid-Eighties that created...
  12. vomit

    O/T Buzz Aldrin

    I believe the American government has kept many secrets from us....but we DID walk on the moon....check out BUZZ Aldrin beating a Non-believer down for some non-Anthrax levity! For some odd reason, this video can't be incorporated into the body of this message....strange!
  13. vomit

    O\T The Who.

    If you don't like this song, you should be castrated....or not. Watch Keith Moon. What an amzing drummer.....fucking great band!
  14. vomit

    I think the crowd likes BUSH... long as it's shaved!!
  15. vomit

    O/T Iron Maiden

    Iron Maiden: Rumored For 2012 North American Tour And DVD Release We have received word from a credible source that Iron Maiden is in talks for a North American tour in the spring of 2012. Rumor has it this will be a full scale tour playing to many cities in the USA and Canada. The band is...
  16. vomit

    Good article from a while ago...

    John Bush's "flawless" performance at Sonisphere fuels return rumors Singer may ultimately have last laugh on band which previously opted out of his services By Thom Copher Y’know… among other personal responses to John Bush’s return to the Anthrax fold for the special “one-off” performance at...
  17. vomit

    Why Charlie?

    Why does Charlie sound like a douche??? Especially: "I don't want to talk to you and give you all these clichés," Benante said. "I don't want to do that. I want to be as real as possible. Joey sounds...
  18. vomit

    Never saw this one before...

    ....and it's hilarious!! Good work, Billy!
  19. vomit

    Was this ever confirmed?

    And why won't they discuss it? Could this be a new song on the new album? From, The REAL reason he is "sick" is because he went top shelf on the band tour bus. They couldn't figure out why it...
  20. vomit

    Remember when there was love???? For whatever reason, the link will not allow it to be copied into the post....maybe the mod, can correct this? Thought this was pretty funny with the never-ending JB vs. JB debate. Enjoy!