Search results

  1. NaTaSMAI

    Q&A Jeopardy Style (Take II)

    Stolen from Naf: Not that we need another long thread, but here's a silly one to try's basically like the Q&A thread, only in reverse. You write the answer, and somebody else picks a question that's fits the answer. For example: A: No, it's stupid (And you reply...) Q: Isn't...
  2. NaTaSMAI

    Dumb things you did when you were little

    I stole this topic from Seriously Off-Topic because I want to hear the stories of people from this forum. :grin: I guess I'll start :erk: Let's see, when I was three: My mom said "don't touch the iron, it's hot." I walked right over and put my hand on the iron. When I saw the dog taking a...
  3. NaTaSMAI

    The "Meaningful Discussion" Thread

    How is everyone?
  4. NaTaSMAI

    The MSN thread!!!!!

    Post your MSN (or any other messenger programs you have) contact here! If you don't mind random people adding you that is. edit: too bad MSN isn't working for me right now :mad:
  5. NaTaSMAI

    The Picture Association Thread2

    Couldn't find the old Picture association thread :( Well, here we go:
  6. NaTaSMAI

    Which black metal band are you?

    *Stolen from the Opeth Off topic forum* :grin: Here's what I got:
  7. NaTaSMAI

    The post a random link thread :o

    Post random links here :loco: I'll start :spin:
  8. NaTaSMAI

    I Win!!!

    Told you I'd win!! :spin: :p Thank you Xeno :)
  9. NaTaSMAI

    UM Mafia Gun Shop

    Now open for business. :grin:
  10. NaTaSMAI

    Dream Job

    What is your dream job?