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  1. dracula

    Supremacy on Triple J Radio's Uneartherd ...

    Hello Hello Repeating what's posted in the News section on the site , Just got word that Supremacy will be featured on the Triple J "JJJ" Radio show Unearthed Soon . And that's not all . there are also 3 songs that you can download from the new album "Vicious Circle" courtesy of...
  2. dracula

    CD Launch Tickets now on Sale

    Just a quick note of the tickets being on sale through the corner hotel box office , we all remember what happened during the last gig now lol ... the line outside the venue was quite long and the room couldn't pack anymore audience , so be quick and grab a ticket now .... Click here for...
  3. dracula

    Supremacy , Live 27-January-2007

    Greetings, What you all have been waiting for has finally come . Supremacy will be playing the new album "Vicious Circle" in Melbourne , Supporting them will be Australia's Premier Glam Group , Melbourne's own THE DEAD THINGS .... The Corner Hotel in Richmond "right near richmond...
  4. dracula

    Supremacy, Live CD LAunch

    Yes , the Rumors are true ... The Band has been in rehearsals for the "Vicious Circle" CD Launch gig... And it is getting closer and closer... Check the News Pages every now and then for updates. But as it stands now, this should be within the very next few months... To all the...
  5. dracula

    Vicious Circle , The New Album

    it is Official "as you might have read in the news page" Supremacy's new album's official title , VICIOUS CIRCLE ... the samples are being prepared ... the art work is being put together , and the rehearsals for the road show are starting this saturday , i'll try and have short...
  6. dracula

    Notes from the Recording Studio

    Hi all.. ok well i thought i should share with you some insight into the recording process of the new album "I’m not allowed to reveal the name yet so i won't" ... As Jadi-Anne and Monika Dee write/Arrange/Produce and play/sing EVERYTHING on their albums "well apart from including session...