Search results

  1. BlackDawn

    Demo of the Month!

    ENGEL became DEMO OF THE MONTH in the german Rock Hard magazine (No. 227, in stores since 15th March 2006). My congratulations to the band! You guys deserve it...and much more!:flame:
  2. BlackDawn

    DROWN INC. - kicks ass! Don´t miss it!

    Hi there! Please check out the music of DROWN INC. Drown Inc. Songs Bang your head and please let me know what you guys think. ;)
  3. BlackDawn

    Your Viking name is...

    Check this out and let us know your Viking name... ;) *lol* :grin: *lol* Your Viking Name is... Melkorka Weaselgrabber (Well, actually, that wouldn't really be your name -- since you're female, your name would be something like...
  4. BlackDawn

    Band pics

    Hi there! Hejsan! I´m BlackDawn and I want to invite you to visit my site BlackDawn´s PhotoPit with live pics of my favorite Metal bands. I´m not a professional photographer, but I think I´ve made some nice pics. ;) Don´t miss to check out my pics of DARK TRANQUILLITY at the Rock Hard...