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  1. Radd

    The Muscle Car Appreciation Thread

    I'm not a motorhead. I don't even know a whole lot about cars but I do recognize beauty when I see it. I've been wanting a 69 camaro for so many years. Maybe someday but they cost a fortune now so its somewhat unlikely. My favorite, the '69 camaro, especially with the hidden headlights, rally...
  2. Radd

    Digital Camera Suggestions?

    Under $200.00. I'm thinking of getting one. I've tried the nikon coolpix and don't care for the picture quality. I'm wondering about the canon SD790. I'd prefer a rechargeable one. Anyone have any suggestions on the best pic quality for the money?
  3. Radd

    porcelain poetry

    Lots of stuff in here. If anything, check out the "Strange Toilets" link.
  4. Radd

    Metallica 4 word game

    That 4 word game thread about Geddy Lee before was pretty fun. Unfortunately it made no sense. I'm sure this one won't be any better but we'll see I guess. I'm hesitant to post this particular subject for fear of it getting very harsh but here goes... In the year 1981
  5. Radd

    My first mac disappointment

    Its an older G5. Nothing major but definitely sucks balls. It can't read and write dvd-r's anymore. It reads and writes everything else though. I suspect its the mac and not the drive or dvd-r media. Here's why: When I got it, it didn't have a superdrive so I replaced the drive it had with the...
  6. Radd

    Lets make a list of cds with clipping

    Not limited to just metal. I want to see how big this list gets. Off the top of my head, still fresh in my mind are: Metallica - Death Magnetic Arch Enemy -Rise of the Tyrants Disturbed - Indestructible Go!
  7. Radd

    Pretty Sweet Guitar Straps

    Check out these 2 sites. Pricey, which is why I'm posting this. Would you even pay $100.00 for one? Not that the quality isn't worth it maybe, but damn..for a guitar strap? I don't know, pretty sweet but pretty crazy...
  8. Radd

    Vintage Carcass

  9. Radd

    Richard Wright R.I.P. I know there's gotta be some Floyd fans here. I'm a big one.
  10. Radd

    Bass Woods

    for RECORDING. I'm guessing the type of wood wouldn't matter quite as much for DI but would matter quite a bit for micing an amp? I also have this idea now that I should stay away from basswood but what if that basswood body has say a maple top or something? Could the negative tonal qualities of...
  11. Radd

    Help tracking softsynths with keyboard Digital Performer

    Before I get into the specifics of my problem, should this work or am I missing something in the chain? Old '80's casio with midi in/out connected to G5 mac via an m-audio 1x1 uno usb (driver installed) into DP recording the midi from EWSO.
  12. Radd

    Krankenstein + 5150 / V30 and G12T75 This is the same song I've been working off and on (mainly off) for the past 3 years and it's not even anything great. Its a rough mix. Not looking for critiquing just yet though I am curious what people think about the guitars and...
  13. Radd

    Surge Suppressors & UPS

    This came up briefly in another thread and had me concerned and thinking. I've been researching it but its confusing as to what I should use. What do you use? What do you recommend?
  14. Radd

    Mac G5 HD questions

    Background: The only mac experience I have is with my own and my knowledge of them regarding specs and a lot of basic stuff is very limited. I need to upgrade soon to a G5 with more ram and hard drive space. Right now I'm on a G4 quicksilver dual processor with ram maxed at 1.5. :bah: 60...
  15. Radd

    Fender Bass-B tuning-4 string-gauges WTB?

    I have a Fender Squire II P bass that I bought second hand in '92. I've used it quite a bit over the years and it still has the same set of strings on it from when I bought it. :lol: After debating for the past few years on wether to sell it, I've decided to hang on to it. So now I want to...
  16. Radd

    Jimmy Justice

    This guy is great and it's real. He goes around NYC with a video camera busting cops that break laws. He has more videos on his youtube site:
  17. Radd

    The Online Collaboration Thread

    Ok. Here it is. The Online collaboration Thread. The title says it all. I've took it upon myself to lay down some basic rules in order to keep this thread somewhat organized. If anyone has a problem with these rules then we can discuss them and take it from there. Brett has been kind enough...
  18. Radd


    I'd like to incorporate some piano in my music but I don't play and don't know how I should go about it. I really like the idea of dragging pre-made midi patterns into ones daw and then altering them from there with no external hardware keyboard needed. I don't think this product exists...
  19. Radd

    Help with upgrading my mac

    I just got EZ drummer and even by itself it's a little to much of a cpu hog for my system. When used with EWQLSO, DP freezes and the message box comes up saying that audio has overloaded or something like that. Also the cpu moniter in DP is in the red. Is this in fact a cpu issue or could it...
  20. Radd

    Writing Solos

    What's your method James and everyone? Do you have more than one method? In my case I'll track an improvised solo, listen to the awful mess and hear a "real" solo within it then learn how to play that and track it. I'll keep doing this, often in sections of 2 or 3 or whatever, building up...