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  1. Chryst Krispies

    Hey guys, I have a column over at Metalsucks! Check it out. Check it out guys! I'm pretty stoked to do something cool like this. :grin: I'd appreciate it greatly if you checked it out! :wave:
  2. Chryst Krispies

    Job for a Cowboy info and my podcast. Come in here.

    Hey dudes, basically I've been a big fan of Podcasts for a while and I've decided to do one for guitar/metal/updates on the new album that my band and I are doing. Basically I joined Job for a Cowboy back in November and we did an EP and we are working on a full length now , so I'm looking to...
  3. Chryst Krispies

    Someone with Photoshop want to help me.

    PM me please?
  4. Chryst Krispies

    Father's day.

    Cheers dudes. :worship::kickass:
  5. Chryst Krispies

    I don't understand this about people....(Booze related.)

    Why is it when I say I don't want to go party or go to a bar or drink with them they get hostile? Like, dude, I don't want to go drink. I don't give a fuck if it's a party I don't give a fuck if it's free. I don't want to go. *insert shitstorm* ??? Why does that make me an asshole?
  6. Chryst Krispies

    Cleaning the bullshit out of my

    Anyone wanna give me the rundown on cleaning out the bullshit files and junk off my Macpro? I'm a computer MORON and I want to maximize the power of my computer for writing/production shens. It's my only desktop. I have a netbook too so I have other means to get online. Halp? Please? I'm...
  7. Chryst Krispies

    Met Colin Richardson and Keith Andrews

    I got scared in their presence. Why the fuck did this happen? Hahha I've never been starstruck by the *not* stars of one of my favorite albums. :hotjump:
  8. Chryst Krispies

    The Fighter

    Seriously. I usually hate movies, and this movie was pretty fucking awesome. Go see it if NOTHING ELSE for the best NewEngland/Boston accents in a movie ever. Lowell Mass is portrayed exactly how it should have been as well.
  9. Chryst Krispies

    Anyone know who this broad is?

    The nurse in this video looks REALLY familiar but I can't place a name. Like she was in some movie or some shit and I can't fucking remember it. I could also just be a moron....which is prolly the case. Someone help?
  10. Chryst Krispies

    Bill Burr Podcast

    I don't know how into podcasts you guys are but I just kinda discovered how awesome they are. I'm currently into the Joe Rogan podcast and my favorite is the Bill Burr Monday Morning Podcast. The shit he says is absolute gold.
  11. Chryst Krispies

    Ex Deo recording fail?

    2:35 " I feed eternity " does that sound line rushed to anyone else?:guh: Every time I hear that line it sounds weird to me.
  12. Chryst Krispies

    Told this girl today I had feelings for her....

    ...and it went over like a fart in church. Ha. God I love that expression.:lol: but :erk: ha Actually didn't go as bad as that sounds, I kinda just wanted to use that expression haha. EDIT HOW WAS YOUR DAY? I also have to see a doc cause it hurts to walk, and my vision is getting worse! Oh...
  13. Chryst Krispies

    Krispies 2010 home gym. Post your setups.

    This is where we do work in the Krispies crib. So this is like my "Home Studio" hahah This is old school shit that my dad used back in the day, and now 30 something years later we are all still killin it. Figured I throw this up for shits. I train here 2x a week and then at a "real" gym 3x a...
  14. Chryst Krispies

    The 2010 Guido Phenomenon.

    I don't think there's been a thread about this yet.... But seriously, I saw an episode of Jersey Shore for the first time and LLawled my balls out. (Come at me bro) haha I can't believe people take this shit "super serial" and emulate these guido pieces of trash. I was called a guido...
  15. Chryst Krispies

    Adam D and Jesse Leach new proj. Lulz @Fall from Grace
  16. Chryst Krispies

    Song of my brother and I. What's some thoughts? My little brother wrote it, I played it, and did the solo. No vocals and no bass. I don't know how I feel about it. He wants to record a bunch of shit like this that he wrote.
  17. Chryst Krispies

    Let's have a laugh at Kirk's expense... Only half intended as a bash on him haha. I just love this part.:lol::lol::lol::lol::Puke:
  18. Chryst Krispies

    Saw the Acacia Strain play last night...

    D.L. played the whole set on 8 string Horizon. Shit was fucking GROSSSSSS. Seriously great show, I was negative and violent the whole time. It was great. Got pretty drunk and then ate 5 double cheeseburgers on the ride home to sober up. Shit was like doing blow or something haha. INSTANT...
  19. Chryst Krispies

    Butchered Misery Business for my own amusement.. Not really mixed, and it's sloppy cause I had no click...but the shred section was fun as fuck to play over. I also didn't know how the lead parts went, so I made my ownz. It's tasteless as fuck. Someone do some retarded vox or some...
  20. Chryst Krispies

    Walked into the gym today...

    And Eruption was blasting over the speakers. I felt like it was the coolest entrance ever.