Search results

  1. Thespawned


    heya MG, i cont goto the gig on friday cos of lack of transport, but i really want an EP. anyway, sam (son of metalman) said he would pick one up for me and send it 2me. is this okay? i know its only one per person...but the second copy isnt gunna be for him. just thourght i would ask...
  2. Thespawned

    even more pointless........

    you all thorught the bread website was pointless, then check out the PURPLE website! what a waste of hosting!!!
  3. Thespawned

    mr metalman!

    hey mate, did u get my e-mail requesting information about how to get to the club 85 from the train station cos i aint got a clue :S:S:S:S:S
  4. Thespawned


    Just wondering about Rob's former band, Cruciferous. did they ever release anything? what were they like? just curious...
  5. Thespawned

    Favourite Power Metal Band

    okay, well the last poll was a success, and now i know i can incluce more options here goes. favourite power metal band? i dunno if u guys like power metal or not...
  6. Thespawned

    Favourite Death Metal Band

    okay, well the last poll was a success, and now i know i can incluce more options here goes. favourite death metal band?
  7. Thespawned

    hey all.....

    hey, very long time no see sorry i aint been around ever, ive just kinda been keeping my self to my self.... ive sorted stuff out now thou, and life rocks once again!!!!! i understand if u all ignore me, i mean, i guess i pretty much fucked up by ignoring u lot. but, well, i shall be...
  8. Thespawned

    pics of them selves

    just wondering what u all look like, being new to this forum un all.
  9. Thespawned

    Rockstar Game

    hail all. does anyone here play on the rockstar simulation ( if so do u wanna join my friend group. group ID = 5860 password = death if you havent started playing, you can signup by going to this link: which will...
  10. Thespawned

    iron maiden - rock in rio

    okay, the new maiden live album.....this is a must have for everyone. quite possibly the best live album maiden have done, and hearing all the new BNW stuff live is coolness get now :)
  11. Thespawned

    favourite thrash band?

    just curious how the votes work out..
  12. Thespawned


    hey thanks LOTS for the Meggado CD, its kick ass. They are fucking amazing!!! its very good recording quality for an EP....... GREAT STUFF :) nice guitar work :) brilliant :) :D
  13. Thespawned

    RIP Paul Baloff

    damn, this is really depressing, but Paul Baloff has died today after suffering from a major stroke 2 days ago. exodus are such a great band as well, and especially since we only lost chuck just over a month ago :( RIP Paul.
  14. Thespawned


    i got my first tattoo done 2day. its an inverted pentagram on the top of my right arm, and it looks fucking amazing!!!!! much pain thou, haha, it was pretty bad getting it done (more painful then i thought it would be....) however, i didnt pass out or anything, so i guess it couldnt have...
  15. Thespawned

    woah! (resurected...lmao)

    woo hoo!! one of the forum members on HMAS got sooo fed up of me always going on about Area 54 he went out and baught NVS a few days ago.....and he fucking loves it!!! looks like i have made yet another convert!!!!! :) goodgood! :)
  16. Thespawned

    cvambridgeshire / bedfordshire metal bands

    any one from metal bands in east anglia region!?
  17. Thespawned


    ey up! AREA 54 - thats all i need to say!!!!!!
  18. Thespawned


    random drug induced posting
  19. Thespawned

    a question for MG

    okay, this is kinda manky... but, is it a good idea to squeeze all the manky white stuff out of ya piercing??
  20. Thespawned

    scanners on channel 4 now!

    i raelly should have posted this earlier!! dammit its a GREAT film. i recomend to anyone :)