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  1. Whiplash402

    meet mike

  2. Whiplash402

    scott ian at the golden god awards

    The opening scene to the Golden Gods Award show hosted by revolver magazine. Its a pretty lame little spoof featuring Scott Ian, Vinnie Paul, and Dio. It made me smile although the acting is just awful but then again who really expects it to be...
  3. Whiplash402

    anthrax commentary

    just in case you guys don't have the no hit wonders DVD, the band has some pretty cool commentary on the video's. I only got metal thrashing mad up so far but let me know if i should put up more
  4. Whiplash402

    Get Thrashed

    i just picked up this DVD last weekend. This documentary blew my mind and is now my new favorite DVD. It might have helped too that i was stoned when i watched it but either way this is a must have DVD for any thrash metal fan.:rock:
  5. Whiplash402

    Breaking Bad

    New season starts this Sunday. Anybody else watch this show? I can't get enough of it
  6. Whiplash402

    i bet you cant guess this song

    ROUND 1 "Far below the valleys Hidden deep beneath the snow There's a man who's got a secret Waiting to be told I've searched through all the ages To find the hidden truth The secret of the rainbow Will never be revealed." 1979 don't cheat:rolleyes:
  7. Whiplash402

    favorite thrash metal band of all time

    anything goes, from metallica to kreator... i gotta go with metal church on this one simply because the stuff they made with David is so raw. Metal church and the dark are 2 of my favorite records of all time. Off topic but i found a badass vinyl of the Dark at a vintage record store. Wonder...
  8. Whiplash402

    grand torino

    anybody see this movie? i saw it today. one of the best movies i have seen in a long time. Clint proves to us once again why he is such a badass motherfucker.
  9. Whiplash402

    top 5 bands

    of all time. I'll start it off 1. Pantera 2. Judas Priest 3. Metal Church (w/ Wayne) 4. Iron Maiden 5. Jethro Tull
  10. Whiplash402

    Iced Earth and Saxon on tour

    so are these guys coming to the states at all? I looked on the saxon website and it had some dates in Europe and only 1 in the US. Are they going to release more dates in the future or is this it? I hope they come to the U.S. I really want to see Saxon.
  11. Whiplash402

    my band's demo

    i know every body hates spam so please forgive me but i want to get my word out as much as possible anyways my band cut a demo and i would love to see what you guys think keep in mind its just a bunch of 17 year olds
  12. Whiplash402

    My band's demo

    i know everybody hates spam but i figure i have a little more of a right then some guy making an account and having it his only post anyways we just got these mastered and metalthrasher and i would love to hear some feedback from you guys keep in mind its a...
  13. Whiplash402


    i just started getting into this band. i got balls to the wall and fell in love all over again with it. any other ones to recommend?
  14. Whiplash402

    just for all you metal church fans out there!

    Four Hymns Demo (1984) 1. Deathwish 2. The Brave 3. Battalions 4. Gods Of Wrath Live At Pine Street Theater 1984 01. Battalions 02. In the blood 03. The Brave 04. Hitman 05. Gods of wrath 06...
  15. Whiplash402

    quick question about manowar

    what was the reason for ross the boss leaving?
  16. Whiplash402

    Scott Ian found dead in elevator

    APRIL FOOLS:lol:
  17. Whiplash402

    any good new bands to listen to?

    lately i have been a little burnt out on new metal music. any suggestions on some new bands i could get into? please not any hardcore or death metal garbage
  18. Whiplash402

    Breaking Bad

    this show rules. its on AMC on sunday nights and i was curious if you guys have seen it. its about a science teacher who starts cooking meth because he has money problems and a whole bunch of things go wrong
  19. Whiplash402

    another judas priest album?

    my friend told me that judas priest was going to make another album so...can anybody confirm this?
  20. Whiplash402

    judas priest vs the animals

    a was looking a judas priest videos on youtube and i stumbled upon this. i thought it was fucking hilarious...enjoy