Search results

  1. Carcassian

    Do the musicians maketh the band ?

    By which I mean the misdemeanours of the individual members of the band. I take as my point of reference the allegations made against Thee Plague Of Gentlemen's frontman some time ago - which saw the record going out of print after being dropped by IHate records and the dissolution of the...
  2. Carcassian

    On Reunions

    So, the Anthrax renunion has been and gone, and many other bands have done so recently (Death Angel and Heaven and Hell a.k.a Diosabbath spring to mind). I noticed recently in an interview that the Cavalera brothers were mooting an all inclusive Sepultura reunion (with all their singers, past...
  3. Carcassian


    Contact me please. Thankyou, Meph.
  4. Carcassian

    The crying Virgin thread

    :waah: For all you fucking navel-gazing pricks to whine about your girlfriend / boyfriend or that you can't get a girlfriend / boyfriend / domestic animal. Whine away to your hearts content! Please collect your weakling tears in a glass vial - I aim to collect enought to fill an olympic swimming...
  5. Carcassian

    Your top three

    Live bands of all time? Please give a reason by each choice. 1) Motorhead - There's a reason why I have been to see Motorhead over 15 times. It has nothing to do with the sexual attractiveness of Lemmy (albeit he is an utter horndog). I have to say that they are consistantly excellent live...
  6. Carcassian

    You have one song to....

    Describe you and your personality. I mean, just one. What is it to be ? It needn't be lyrically accurate - maybe only the music describes you. Maybe it captures the essence of you. I'll start. Crowbar - Decembers Spawn. It's weighty, it's crushingly heavy, and dependant on mood...
  7. Carcassian

    Witchfinder General News

    For all you doom fans out there - Witchfinder General are recording again! link below, scroll to news. No Zeeb on vocals, which is a real shame, but I would be stoked for new material anyway.:kickass:
  8. Carcassian

    For Candlemass fans...

    Footage of anniversary gig (with guest singers)
  9. Carcassian

    Biggest Musical Disapointment

    A thread in which you can relay all those deeply dissapointing purchases, perhaps after having sought after them high and low. Recent dissapointments have been getting hold of Isobel - Bjork (Carcass mix) - which of course sucks horse cock, but I was convinced in my own mind over all these...
  10. Carcassian

    Earache: Impending box Set

    Apparently, as reported , Earache are going to release a six CD box set, though no more details are given. Do you think that they will use this as a chance to show some rare (i.e. unreleased) stuff that they have in their vaults...
  11. Carcassian

    Bands that move from metal ?

    Just wondering if you tend to follow the post-metal careers of those bands that originally were definitely metal bands, but meandered away into rock or post-rock or whatever. I would use reference points such as Anathema in their Coldplay / Pink Floyd fellating latter period, Katatonia in...
  12. Carcassian

    More sabbat (uk) News

    ...Look forward to finally being able to buy Dreamweaver on CD for less than £50! "Reunited British thrashers SABBAT will release remastered versions of their first two albums — "History of a Time to Come" (1988) and "Dreamweaver" (1989) — sometime next year via Sanctuary. "We've made a small...
  13. Carcassian

    RANT: Crap Keyboards

    ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHH!!!! So, I finally succumb, and get a hold of Summoning - Oath Bound. What do I find? The same disease that stalked all manner of British bands in the early 1990's - an obsession with putting cheap, crap keyboard effects in what would otherwise be quite fine metal music...
  14. Carcassian

    What if....?

    Remember those Marvel comics of yesteryear with the natty "what if?" type scenarios ? Well, what would have happened with the evolution of metal if - 1) Ozzy Osbourne had gotten into rehab following the release of Never Say Die, and had continued to write and sing with Black Sabbath? 2)...
  15. Carcassian

    Usurper - Why don't you kids ever talk about them?

    ...because in my opinion, this is one band, that on paper at least, ought to be fairly well liked by pretty much everyone on here! They do the black metally thing They do the death metally thing They do the thrashy thing They even cover King Diamond / MF Why the non-praise, metal chums...
  16. Carcassian

    Thanks to all....

    ...those people who rec. me as the new forum mod for this forum. This is the only forum I now post on, and I do this for a reason - it had injected me with fresh enthusiasm for finding new bands, and introduced me to some great new people. I wouldn't make a great mod, to be honest, but I am...
  17. Carcassian

    Good news for Candlemass fans...

    In a conversation with the label Nuclear Blast, Messiah Marcolin has agreed to sing on the upcoming Candlemass album. It will happen sometime in sep/oct. Some contractual stuff has to be sorted out first, but things look very promising at the moment. Leif: I’m glad to hear it. Whatever...
  18. Carcassian

    The best British band ever ? (metal)

    Simple poll - please leave a reason - thanks
  19. Carcassian

    The Ultimate Black Sabbath Poll

    So there I was, looking through some old threads, and the perrenial Black Sabbath question (Which is the best Sabbath album) came up - so here is the poll to settle the debate once and for all...(sorry to all purists, couldn't fit in all of the live albums)
  20. Carcassian

    Best Album of 1984

    ince we already have a poll for best thrash album of 1985, I copied the idea and refined it for 1984. Plus a super snazzy poll type affair.