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  1. dishcloth

    Mike Oldfield

    Anyone a fan of this dudes work? I'm a big fan of tubular bells. Great stuff.
  2. dishcloth


    Been recommended this band by a good friend of mine. What release should I purchase or should I even bother at all?
  3. dishcloth

    Worst Vocalists In Metal

    I remember seeing a thread about the best vocalists. So who do you think the worst are? My nomination to get this thread kicking is Dani Filth. I mean he makes me laugh. It sounds like he wants a deep voice, but unfortunately he was born a chipmunk.
  4. dishcloth

    Dark Lunacy - The Diarist

    Has anyone heard this yet, I've only heard one track "Snowdrifts" which is awesome. Looks like I'm going to have to order this one off the net, hard to find in Aussieland. Can't believe that no one in this forum has seemed to of heard of this band...
  5. dishcloth

    One Track Albums

    I've been listening to Green Carnation's Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness quite a lot lately, and while some parts of the song blow me away, other parts aren't as good. However, the whole concept of an album being one song, which I didn't think would work as well as it does here, really interests...
  6. dishcloth

    Pink Floyd - Pulse DVD

    Anyone seen this yet? Bought it the other day, its outstanding. Great DVD and heaps of good extras. Comfortably Numb is absolutely amazing. If any Floyd fan hasn't seen it yet, I suggest you see it as soon as possible. Discuss.
  7. dishcloth

    Opeth Tribute Album

    Hey guys, I've been thinking for a while now and I know there are a lot of talented musicians on this forum so maybe we could all team up and make a tribute album for Opeth by us!! Don't flame me, it's just an idea. :cool: Is anyone is interested in doing an Opeth cover or anything? It could...
  8. dishcloth

    What are you?

    Most people on this forum seem to predominantly be guitarists. Just interested in what instruments people play and why? Was metal (or Opeth in particular) a major influence to make you learn? Why/why not? Me? I'm a vocalist (growling, heavy rock style voice) and at the moment I'm keen on...
  9. dishcloth

    Awesome band that opeth fans would like

    Dark Lunacy Please make an effort to check this band out. You won't be disappointed I promise.
  10. dishcloth

    Opeth & Booze

    Mike says his favourite beer is Carlsberg. I've never had it and I'm interested what people think of it, is it worth buying a case? What are peoples favourite alcoholic drinks? Oh yeah I bought a new Heineken 5 litre portable keg, anyone tried one of those before? It's in the fridge at...
  11. dishcloth

    Bonus Track Poll

    In the vein of other pointless polls, it's BONUS TRACK POLL! Seriously though, NOW every track has been voted for now, no more polls on songs :loco:
  12. dishcloth

    opeth listenability

    the other day, after telling my friend for the past few months how great opeth were, i decided to let him borrow my copy of ghost reveries for a listen. he is in a punk/hardcore band and i didn't know what to expect from his opinion. he got back to me a few days later telling me this: "while...
  13. dishcloth

    What do u enjoy more?

    what do u like more about opeth