Search results

  1. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Stephen Hawking @ Yahoo! Answers

    Has anyone here read his latest question posed to Yahoo! Answers? How can the human race survive the next hundred years? "In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?"...
  2. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Judas Tribute Band: (Faithful Defenders)

    Check this out. Some of the members of Judas got together in Buffalo a few weeks ago to record some Priest tunes. The lead singer flew in from Las Vegas for a few days, and one of the guitarists came in from the Pittsburgh area. The tracks were uploaded yesterday (15APR06) on Acid...
  3. The Winnipeg Warrior

    QUEEN: Should they have called it a day?

    IMO, when Freddy Mercury died of AIDS in 1991.....and his Tribute Concert was performed the following year.....that should have been it for the band. One of the greatest bands in history were short one founding member. And like the Who's Keith Moon, Led Zeppelin's John Bonham, and Thin Lizzy's...
  4. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Signs of the Zodiac

    What's your Astrological sign, and do you believe in your Horoscope? I'm an Aries (April 14th).....and I am an Aries in every sense of the word. Although I may not read my daily Horoscope, my personality follows me around wherever I go. It's like a shadow.....and you can't out-run your true...
  5. The Winnipeg Warrior

    The Da Vinci Code. FACT or FICTION?????

    I'll start this off and let everyone take it from here. This is going to be a hot topic this year with the Tom Hanks movie coming out.....and the Dan Brown novel already out. Let's get a head start then and begin the discussions! Premise: Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.....and a secret...
  6. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Extreme Body Modification: How Far Would You Go? (.....or have you?)

    Is there a limit? Or is nothing sacred anymore? When is 'too much' just too much? Give me your comments and perspectives. All opinions are welcome!
  7. The Winnipeg Warrior

    2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy.

    Anyone have an opinion on these games? Favorite sports? Which country are you from? Who are your national heroes? I think it's great that the Games have finally come back to Italy.....and Europe. I personally think the Games are more exciting when they're held over there. The cities are...
  8. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Show us your Desktop

    I'll start this off. This is mine at home. Have had it forever. Less is more.
  9. The Winnipeg Warrior

    CIA: It is bin Laden on terror tape

    .....anyone want to chime in on this? Since the London subway bombings last year, we've always been led to believe that it was just a matter of time before Canada became a target too. In fact, the media jumped all over this right away, stating that Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver could be...
  10. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Chiropractic Care Versus Medical Examinations

    In today’s consumer driven health care environment, patient satisfaction is an important health outcome measure. There have been several surveys conducted in recent years assessing patient satisfaction with chiropractic care, which was found to be extremely high. In addition, these surveys...
  11. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Words to Ponder.

    I received this in an e-mail today. Tell me what you think. Because I know that I will! During this special time of year let’s take a moment and count our blessings. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep--- you are richer...
  12. The Winnipeg Warrior

    VENOM Finish Mixing 'Metal Black'; Track Listing Revealed - Dec. 19, 2005

    British black metal pioneers VENOM have finished mixing their new album, "Metal Black", at the Townhouse Studios in London. The album contains 14 new songs, including "Antechrist", the demo for which can be heard at this location. A March 2006 release via Castle Records/Sanctuary Group is...
  13. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Live Political Debates

    Do televised debates before elections help you to decide which way you're going to vote? Or have you made up your mind who you're going to vote for long before you enter the voting booth? I know that I like to pay close attention to these telecasts. It's not so much what is said, as to how it...
  14. The Winnipeg Warrior

    KING KONG.....are you going to go see it???

    I'm not sure what to make of this. 1933, 1976, and now 2005. They should erect a statue of Kong in Manhattan.....because he's brought more exposure to New York City than anyone else that I know of. Other than maybe Ruth or Dimaggio. Way to go, 'ya big monkey!(LOL)
  15. The Winnipeg Warrior

    The Amazing Race 8 (Family Edition). The winners are?????

    The Race is over and the Linz family has claimed the $1 Million Grand Prize. The Linz family from Cincinnati, Ohio had to beat some tough competition, racing against two other families; the Weaver's from Ormond Beach, Florida and the Bransen's from Park Ridge, Illinois. Each team was...
  16. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Legalized ABORTION. Pros or Cons? Here's a raw topic.....sure to raise a few eyebrows, ruffle a few feathers, or perhaps raise a few temperatures. stimulates converation. Let's discuss it. Pros or cons. Personally, I'm against it. I think individuals should choose responsibility...
  17. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Survivor Guatemala. And the winner is.....?????

    LOS ANGELES - It came down to 30-year-old sports radio host Danni Boatwright and 25-year-old “Survivor” veteran Stephenie LaGrossa in Sunday night’s “Survivor: Guatemala, The Maya Empire” finale. Boatwright, a former Miss USA contestant from Tonganoxie, Kan., outlasted and outcharmed...
  18. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Heavy Metal: Music or Image?

    I'm a product of my time. So, this is all I know.....and care to know. For me, this represents Classic Heavy Metal. And I will continue to defend it. I don't want to fight with anyone.....nor do I want anyone to feel that they can’t express their views. But for me, this image is a way that...
  19. The Winnipeg Warrior

    Truth or Dare In Middle Earth

    I found this on another website. Laughed pretty hard. If it's deemed inappropriate here by the moderators, then I'll remove it.
  20. The Winnipeg Warrior


    What's your take on this. In the United States, it's an automatic death sentence for killing a police in most countires. While here in Canada, it means life imprisonment. Or parole after 20-25 years. Personally, I believe in the Death Penalty. Whether it's by lethal injection...