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  1. T

    Saxon Returns!

    Not a gig review as such, so I'll post it here, rather than there! "Saxon Returns", indeedy-doody, and in fine form too. At the risk of sounding blase, the thing about a band like Saxon is that you know exactly what you are going to get, and they deliver every single time. Guaranteed. So...
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    Attack of the Clones

    Went to see UFO tonight, supported by Spike of the Quireboys. Has anyone else seen them and noted the incredible likeness one of the guitarists has to Mr Doug Scarrat???? Or is it just me??? I think someone somewhere in a lab is making guitarists.
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    WTF is Wudu?

    Coming back through Birmingham airport (UK) today, I was intrigued by the large signs proudly announcing the provision of "Wudu facilities". Excellent, thinks I, thinking it is some new pub game, or even some kind of exotic scoff, I'll be up for a bit of that. Nope, the trail led to the...
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    20 years

    Just realised it was 20 years ago on the 27th, that Cliff Burton met his untimely end. 20 fucking years, jeez, that does make me feel old. RIP Cliff.
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    Your enemy is.....

    Apparently, the greatest threat to the U.S. is not Iraq or Iran but Great Britain. And, I'm sad to say I agree, the cunts in charge of things have just stuck their heads in the sand while wave after wave of dirty shitskins have flooded into the UK from all manner of fly-bitten shithole...
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    Check this out: OK, don't bother wading through it, just skip right to the very end, to the final question. Apparently Saxon play live too many times doing European festivals!!! What a complete...
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    Learn something new every day

    Apparently you do learn something new every day, and today I learned something astounding. Apparently "Emo" music is short for "emotional" and is all about angst and blah blah! Well, that's news to me, I always thought it was because those cunts looked the spitting image of that weird creepy...
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    Hall of fame

    Check this out: An honourable mention, don't you think?
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    How many guitars?

    Whilst not leaping about wildly in Wolverhampton the other night (OK, OK, so maybe I'm past that, perhaps I did nod my head quite vigorously), I began to think about Paul Quinn's guitars. Just how many guitars do you think this man has owned? Every time I see him, he seems to have different...
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    Not a gig review as such but THANKS to Saxon for a fucking fine gig in Wolverhampton last night, as per usual. So I had to fight through a horde of Charlatans fans to get my ticket from the Box Office, and missed both support bands, but didn't want to see them anyway! I was beginning to sweat...
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    Berlusconi scores!

    I see the dodgy Italian leader, Sylvio Berlusconi, has scored another fine triumph in race relations, stating that he was wrong to have said that Chinese Communists ate their babies. No, apparently, they simply boiled them and then used them to fertilise their crops. Excellent! Prince Phillip...
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    Cartoon Time

    Don't forget to go and view the cartoons that are winding up all the ragheads at the moment: Can't wait to get a t-shirt with some of them on! Ha! Fuck them all!! Let the confrontation begin!!!!
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    Great Telly!!!

    Oh, don't you wish you were here in sunny Blighty? I have just seen a trailer for a program on TV tomorrow night: "Gay Muslims" I dunno whether it is a comedy or what, but I can't wait - 2 things to hate, for the price of 1!!!!