Search results

  1. J.DavisNJ

    WTB: Boss HM-2 MIJ.

    Hey dudes, I'm looking for a Boss HM-2, Made in Japan, in good condition. It's a birthday gift for a friend. Looking to grab one at a decent price, possibly a Sneap forum buddy discount. ;) Please PM or e-mail if you can help a brother out. Locate in NJ if you are local. Cheers. Joe
  2. J.DavisNJ


    Hello gents, One of the reasons I haven't been here very much is my new found fitness goals. I've pretty much been a sedentary slug for many years, with a brief period of attending a globo gym a year or so ago. Needless to say, I am/was out of shape. Not horrible, but definitely...
  3. J.DavisNJ

    Looking to get back in the game. Amp advice.

    Hey gents, It's been quite the year and I have pretty much neglected my playing and even obsessive music listening. Yes, I am ashamed, but life has it's way of steering you off course. Anyway, I am back! Right now my gear selection is pretty limited. Still have the Les Paul, Strat, but...
  4. J.DavisNJ

    Hay guyz

    Wow, it's been a while. What's the new word in the world of heavy tonez? Took quite a long break from this music stuffs. I suppose this place is like crack. Once you go crack you...I dunno, always come back? Hope all is well. Joe
  5. J.DavisNJ

    Windows 7 64 bit not recognizing Profire 2626.

    Hey dudes, I'm in need of some assistance. My new laptop won't recognize my Profire 2626. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit. I have the most updated drivers installed, but when I try to open the Profire control panel it says no Profire device is connected. The inputs/outputs, etc. show up...
  6. J.DavisNJ

    Doomriders "Darkness Come Alive," man, what a mix!

    I've had this disc for a while, but recently gave it another spin. What a fucking mix! ...and band! I'm a big Kurt Ballou fanboy in general, but I just love the power of this mix. For me, it is tied with the Disfear mix. Such power! Love the drums, guitar tones, vocals, everything. I'm...
  7. J.DavisNJ

    Profire 2626 and external preamps, use line in?

    Simple question, but I'm jsut making sure. I'm going to be getting some external preamps (no conversion) to use with my Profire 2626. Would I simply use an XLR->1/4" and connect them this way to the XLR/1/4" combo jacks? thanks Joe
  8. J.DavisNJ

    DFH Superior multi-output in Cubase 5, how?

    It seems much easier to do in DFH 2, but I'm still using the original. I open the plugin as an instrument track, but when I check the outputs in the VST rack of Cubase, I see no option for multioutputs. Can anyone help me out? thanks Joe
  9. J.DavisNJ

    DFH superior not showing up in Cubase 5, wtf?

    I just re-installed DFH (haven't used it in a while) and am trying to open an instrument track in Cubase 5, but it isn't showing up. any ideas? thanks Joe
  10. J.DavisNJ

    Help me spec a PC!

    I've ditched the laptop route and want to get a rough list going for my PC build. A couple guys at the studio can help me build her. So far I've compiled: Intel® Core™ i7-930 Processor Asus P6T Deluxe V2 Haha, not much at the moment, I know...but I've just started. It's been...
  11. J.DavisNJ

    Windows 7 - which antivirus?

    I haven't had to use an antivirus for years (Mac FTW!), but now that I'm venturing into the PC world again, I'm assuming I'll need one? Which would you guys say is the best at the moment? All I remember from my Pc days are Macaffe and Norton, though I'm sure some better options have popped...
  12. J.DavisNJ

    Recommend a laptop.

    Hey dudes, I'm looking to buy a non-Mac laptop. I want something with at least an i5 processor and would like an esata port, 4GB RAM...yadda yadda. I know, kind of random specs, but I pretty much want something uber solid that is pretty damn fast. The place I'm interning at is pretty much...
  13. J.DavisNJ

    Almost positive I'll be interning at...

    House of Loud Studios in New Jersey, home to Mr. Dave Bendeth! Same place Paramore "Riot!" was created. Wow, I'm pretty psyched. I heard through some friends that they were local, so I contacted Dave and sent my resume. I didn't hear anything for a while, but received a call today from...
  14. J.DavisNJ

    Crossed over to the dark side once again...(EMG content & wiring ?)

    Hello all, Well, I recently joined one of my favorite hardcore/metal bands from the 90's/00's Nj Bloodline. Shameless promotion: I've been on the search for another pickup as the Alnico V Motor City Afwayu wasn't cutting it for the tightness that I need for...
  15. J.DavisNJ

    Joined another band! Plus, gear stuffff.

    Hello all, I've taken a break from this place for a minute. Not doing much recording at the moment (i.e. buy my gear in the For Sale forum!!! ;-). I've also joined a new band. Well, the band is certainly not new, but new to me nonetheless! I've listened to these guys for 10+ years and...
  16. J.DavisNJ

    Selling my gear: Profire 2626, Reamp V.2, Audix mics, EMGs, etc!

    Hello dudes, For the time being I am selling off the bulk of my gear. I'm moving out at the beginning of '11 and need to save as much as possible and have some bills to pay. I'm not quite sure if I'll be back in the game eventually - I need to focus on the job right now and my gear is just...
  17. J.DavisNJ

    Baklava appreciation thread!

    Anyone else love this shit? Sooo good. Found a middle eastern bakery not far from me and am currently pigging out on some seriously tasty Baklava. Pointless thread is pointless. :D Joe
  18. J.DavisNJ

    In what order do you set up your axe? (Action, intonation, relief)

    What say ye? I've never had a real set method to doing things - I'm wondering if there is a "standard." Joe
  19. J.DavisNJ

    Sweden LOL: Dude gets disability benefits for metal addiction!

    Yeah, mega LOL! Joe
  20. J.DavisNJ

    How do use DFH in Pro Tools?

    /noob in Hey guys, As some of you know, I've recently made the switch from Logic to Pro Tools 7.4. Using multi-out in Logic was kind of a pain in the ass, and I'm hoping it's easier in Pro Tools. Sooo... How do multi-out in Pro Tools? I'd like to be able to write MIDI for all the...