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  1. Rock Hydra

    Facial Hair appreciation thread.

    This thread is for us with the facial hair. Fuck all you naysayers. That is all.
  2. Rock Hydra

    Bands you want to see before you die list.

    List bands that your life probably wouldn't be complete without seeing. My list is nearly complete: Metallica: Megadeth: Pantera/Damageplan: Not Possible :( Children of Bodom: Check Lamb of God: Check Shadows Fall: Check
  3. Rock Hydra

    Image directory for prettymuch all of your forum needs.
  4. Rock Hydra

    Pure. Motherfucking. Ownage. - Funny Pics, Hot Chicks, & Cool Flicks
  5. Rock Hydra

    It's alive! (my very own attention whoring thread)

    Just got my new computer parts for my new computer today, now it's up and running. Video card: Motherboard: Processor: Hard Drive: Optical Drive: RAM: Windows Media Center Edition: All together now!!
  6. Rock Hydra

    Okay,'re a parent....

    ...and your kid decides to follow this Emo trend. Thoughts, reactions? This is all hypothetical. Personally, I guess I wouldn't care as long as they have some kind of head on their shoulders with some morals and common sense.
  7. Rock Hydra

    Should I do it?

    I was just browsing through a local Guitar Center and saw a Jackson Kelley w/ a Floyd Rose and 24 frets and 2 Jackson humbuckers for $149 dollars, and seems to be in good condition. Good deal?
  8. Rock Hydra

    What the fuck? I hate some people!! :mad:

    Court: Child-renting sentence too short - sometimes I'm embarrased to be the same species as some of these people, if they can call themselves that.
  9. Rock Hydra

    Ha ha ha...some halarity for the late nighters.

    AnandTech - YAGT: The Landlady
  10. Rock Hydra

    Misery Signals

    Anyone heard of them? I just heard of them today from Myspace. Kinda Hardcore-Math Metal-ish... I like it. Just thought I'd share.
  11. Rock Hydra

    So, I'm sitting outside the venue...

    And I go to pay for my ticket, and I brought my fucking credit card instead of my ATM card and now I can't get in. I'm so fucking pissed at myself. :mad: I can hear Hate me! playing right now. MOTHERFUCKER.
  12. Rock Hydra


    Is this you? (post #5) (found this thread browsing the Lamb of God forums)
  13. Rock Hydra


    Well, this is my 2006th post and the year 2006 is going to soon be drawing to a close. So I figured that I'd make a thread about the year 2006. So, what were your best memories/highlights about this year, MMVI. Mine I would say is going to see CoB and Lamb of God in Toronto and then seeing...
  14. Rock Hydra

    Built my first effects circuit.

    Loosely based on the MXR Dist effect...I'm gonna tweak it, and if I like, I'll solder the components into a PCB and build it into my amp. I still need an output jack, to test it, though. :erk: Whee!
  15. Rock Hydra

    Hey photoshoppers, can you guys help me out by making a sig for me?

    I want a sig of my favorite guitarists. Which are: Kirk Hammett Jon Donais Alexi Laiho Dimebag Darrell Dave Mustaine and Marty Friedman I would prefer that it's not too large and I was thinking in like a collage form in a single image. It would be greatly appreciated. All I can offer is...
  16. Rock Hydra

    stranded in Buffalo NY.

    I was stranded on Interstate 90 west in Buffalo for 12 hours overnight. What a bitch. Here's some pictures I took in the morning when I woke up. Another fun fact: A truck in the adjacent lane had huge crates labeled "Unstable radioactive waste" :zombie:
  17. Rock Hydra

    Internet Speed Test

    Quick interenet speed test: Reliable site fore checking net speed....just curious what other poples speeds are. They also provide an image, link it in the post, please. Mine:
  18. Rock Hydra

    Holy shit, this is cool!!
  19. Rock Hydra

    Perfect Pitch?

    I've seen so many advertisements for these lessons, but I don't know the method behind it. I have been interested in learning, since it would be really cool to have the abilities that they say in the ads, but the steep price is kinda turning me away. Does anyone know how they do it in the...
  20. Rock Hydra

    Cheez-Its vs. Wheat Thins

    In cas you don't know what they are: