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  1. No More Beers


    I hope the news are not confirmed...
  2. No More Beers

    What would you use?

    Hey guys, i am going to track some drums tomorrow. It´s a 6 piece kit, on kick, one snare and 4 toms. Besides hihat, ride and cymbals, of course. These are the pres I can use And these are the mics: Of...
  3. No More Beers

    Recording of my band

    Long time i don't post here, but im always checking the forum! Here's the recording of my band, it's still just covers, `cause here in Brazil it's very hard to have a band that just plays their own songs Anyway, let me know what you guys think...
  4. No More Beers

    Nevermore in brazil

    FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After 5 years waiting, nevermore is surely coming to brazil, this time nobody canceled anything... i wish steve was here to play with them, but im sure next time he will be here saturday is THA day!!! :Smokin:
  5. No More Beers

    OT - How to mic this amp?

    any ideas??????