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  1. R

    Angst LP

    will there be one??
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    the Mixing of Acceleration

    Hey guys, so i was recently talking to someone who knows clearly much more about music than i do (he lives off it, for one) and i told him how much I loved acceleration. Hearing it, he said that he thinks songwriting wise its great but he doesnt like the mix, his biggest complaint being how loud...
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    Arcturus Question (didnt know where to post)

    Hello, sorry to post this here, but i was wondering if anyone here knew whether the LP version of Sideshow Symphonies had the same audio issues as the CD (2nd track with lower volume and click, etc.) thanks!!
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    Its a shame that

    I havent heard anything, nothing at all about AoS for quite a while. Ive been pondering a lot lately and i have come to the conclusion that AoS, especially acceleration is my favorite among Andys projects. As a concept, its just so easy yet complex to grasp. Its also a shame we never came to any...
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    Hello, i just wanted to thank and congratuate you for having the best service i have ever had the pleasure of bumping into in the web. Really, ive been dissapointed so much from other places, others try to be good but they have a lot of problems, others who are just ho hum. So yeah, keep on...
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    Can someone help me with A Star Guarded Coronation?

    Ive tabbed down the solo and i thinks its like 95% correct, anyone want to help me tab the rest of the song? Star Guarded Coronation Solo By Federico Hong (Rammpeth) E-----------------5-7-------14-15-17-15h17p15-14-15-14-12--...
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    mountains tab revised

    Ok so karpsmom helped me out with the parts that were wrong last time. enjoy. Tab by rammpeth, corrections by karpsmom Mountains Intro: Gt1 E-----------------------------------------------------------------------...
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    red fore fire vs black for death

    i go with the first one personally, although "silver dwarf" just has one of those big dumb riffs you have to love
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    first two riffs of future reminiscence (ill post the rest later)

    hi there im tabbing future reminiscence and ill try to post the rest later.suggestions or corrections pls. btw i didnt count the numbers of each note played, its just to give and idea and its really easy to catch the beat yourself! E-----------------------------------------...
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    guitar tuning on epic

    im trying to tab some songs and at least in future reminiscence i believe its standard tuning,,,but sometimes i think its drop d....anyone know for sure im sorry i just figured it out, i was kind of deaf
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    casket casey tab (hope i dont get banned)

    hello there.i hope its not a problem if i post this tab for the song "still" (its not like its a huge deal either,,its just like a quarter page long gtr1 E B---------3---------0-------0------------------------------------ G---6-------4----4-------4------4--------------------------------...
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    marilyn manson....

    ok first i want to ask you guys to read the whole thing and not just put some stupid comment because of the threads name (though im pretty sure vintersorg forum posters are among the smartest and most educated forum users :Saint: ) anyway while i was trying to teach a friend of mine about real...
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    ok so im tabbing waterclime

    i decided to spend some of my spare time in vacations tabbing waterclime im currently tabbing mountains and id say its 85% complete (im just missing the solo and some arpeggiated notes) and i was wondering if there would be any problem if i posted them here (and if anybodys interested for that...
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    Preparing for the new album?

    well we havent heard in a while of mr.vs current happening so i assume hes either recording bass and vocals for waterclime or hes getting ready to record the new Vintersorg album, or he just finished the the bork one, i dunno. Anyone's guess? btw, anybody know when fission will start recording?
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    german bands

    i was wondering if you people like any bands from germany or if you could recommend me some/ i like rammstein,tanzwut,megaherz,in extremo, dark suns,umbra et imago!
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    the album after epic

    i was reading some interviews and they said that after epic was written they already had another album, which they were currently playing with the vocal lines, and that the acoustic album would be released afterwards. what happened to that album? is it terra?
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    waterclime interviews?

    since they must not be that many, i was wondering if anyone recalls how many there were and if they have a link to em?
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    Songs not on cds

    Cosmic Genesis (Space Jazz Version) (MP3) Norrskensdrömmar (A Coruscanting Nightsky Forging) (MP3) Till Fjälls (Evolution Mix) (MP3) WHat exactly are these? are they official? if so, can i download them somewhere? i found em browsing on itrollskogens.
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    ive seen the webpage and it says that the songs are already written.Any word on the progress?
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    who does which solo?

    since both mattias and mr.v play lead guitars according to the booklets, can anyone specify which solos are done by whom? im hearing two distinct styles in solos, but i dont know which is which or if im right or not.anyone know?