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  1. J

    Laney VH100R Problem, HELP!

    Hey guys, my amp started acting up today. Everything on my clean channel works fine (including the clean drive) but when I switch to channel 2 there's a very harsh static/fizz and there's virtually no gain (the fizzing only gets worse as I turn the gain up). I replaced the tubes a few weeks ago...
  2. J

    New to Recording, Help Appreciated!

    So I wanna start recording my own stuff. I play a C-7 Hellraiser through a Laney VH100R head w/Orange 4x12 Straight Cab. I imagine that to record I'll mic the amp up to a preamp, but I'm trying to decide what preamp is best for the $ I have a budget of roughly $500 and I'd like to get a preamp...
  3. J

    Need hep with Laney VH100R

    Alright, so I've had this head for about a month now and everything seemed fine up until a few days ago. My clean channel sounds perfectly fine, but my gain channels sound very flat and muddy as opposed to how crisp they sounded. Perhaps I blew some tubes for leaving standby on too long? (I...
  4. J

    Good Metal for working out?

    So I'm looking for some pretty intense, slow, brutal bands, songs, etc. to listen to while weight lifting. I figure that I may have to dip more into the hardcore pool (which I don't really enjoy listening to) if I want some really intense shit but any suggestions would be great. Help me out guys!
  5. J

    Playing Digital Music Through 4x12 Speaker Cab

    So I recently moved into my new room and all I really have as far as speakers go is my Orange 4x12 Cab that I run my Laney VH100R through. I was wondering if it's possible to connect my MacBook to the Cab to play my iTunes songs and shit. If so, what kind of special cable would I need?
  6. J

    Live Tone

    So I've seen my share of bands with both shitty and excellent live tones, most specifically with the guitar setups. What do you guys suggest as far as achieving thick, rich, and big tone when playing live? A lot of bands sound great in the studio, but when it comes to live they sound very thin...
  7. J

    Cabs 101

    Ok, so I finally got my first tube amp, a Laney VH100R. One cab yet. I know the speakers play a huge part in determining the sound output, but do the actual cabinets make a difference? Would, say, a Peavey XXX 4x12 cab loaded with V30s sound the same as a Mesa 4x12 with V30s? Do...
  8. J

    Bogner XTC101B vs Classic

    Alright, so I've looked at both these babies and I was wondering yalls opinion on each. I was going for versatility in an amp so that's why I narowed it down to these two. I've heard rave reviews about both, but especially the classic head. My only worry is that the classic perhaps doesn't have...
  9. J

    Bogner XTC 101B

    Anyone try one of these babies? I hear only great things but can't try one since there aren't any in my area of the East Coast. I'm pretty sure you can achieve a multitude of tones, especially searing mid-high metal tones. This amp is definitely a top choice for my first tube amp! If anyone...
  10. J

    Peavey JSX vs Mesa Boogie Road King II

    So I'm finally upgrading from a 10 year old shitty Crate GFX 30. I've checked out both of these amps and love them each for their own respects. Unfortunately, I'm a college student with not alot of $ and I'm trying to decide which one to get. I play everything but mainly heavier stuff. I've been...
  11. J

    Mesa Boogie Road King II

    Please share your thoughts about this amp. I play all different styles of music and I'm upgrading from a shitty crate gfx 30 that I've had for about 10 years. I've heard great things about this amp but I wanted to see how good the metal tones are. Are they true to the recto series? How is the...
  12. J

    Overdrive Pedals

    Alright, so I'm finally going to be getting a new amp soon (I've got it down to either a Mesa, Diezel, or Bogner) and I'm looking into beefing up my pedal board. So far I have a Morley Mark Tremonti Wah, Peterson Strobostomp tuner, and I will be getting a Digitech X Multi-Chorus as well as Boss...
  13. J

    Jeff/Steve's Live setup

    So what do you guys use for your live situations? Any suggestions as far as pedals to boost leads? I really love the lead tones on TGE and IRC, you guys used old tube screamers to boost, correct? I'm working on building up my pedal rig. I finally got my first solid piece (at least I think I do...
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    Believe in Nothing

    Anyone *especially steve* know the proper tuning for the song? I love the acoustic part and I've seen multiple tunings tabbed out for the song...the correct one would really help me learn it quicker!
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    Okay...other than it being a sweet song, I'm inquiring about the guitar effect used around 2:30. Chorus maybe? I'm very foreign to effects.
  16. J


    Wow, oh wow. I've never really heard anything Nevermore put out there before DHIADW (except for no more will, just one song) and I'm really digging this cd. It feels alot thrashier than the newer records which is pretty sweet. Getting back to the roots. I'm also really digging Loomis' tone. Does...
  17. J

    Bittersweet Feast

    Man oh man, I can't believe I never really gave this song the time of day (I usually skip over it when listening to TGE)...It's so awesome because it's so different from other songs I've heard. I think the diminished/atonal chords give it a cool ambiance. I especially dig the's...
  18. J

    Picks for Lead/Rhythm Tones

    Hey guys, I'm constantly between picks looking for the right sound and I just can't seem to find a perfect fit for all around playing. Right now I'm currently between the Dunlop Tortex Sharp 1.5mm (I'm pretty sure this is the one Loomis uses) and the Dunlop Tortex Wedge 1.08mm. The Wedge sounds...
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    Man I love this band so much...I wish they'd come to America soon :\ Anyways, what are some other records the guys who mixed and mastered "The Sickness Within" did? I think the production on the CD is excellent and sounds killer.
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    Favorite Nevermore Solo

    Just curious about everyone's favorite nevermore solo...mine's definitely the Engines of Hate Solo