Search results

  1. evilematt

    Ipod Shuffle Game

    Get out your Ipod or mp3 player, select all songs and shuffle then list the first 25 songs that come out. Be not ashamed! Explain nothing! I'll go first: Skunk Anansie - Charity Candlemass - Ancient Dreams John Williams - Jaws Main Theme Opeth - Atonement King Diamond - Black of Night...
  2. evilematt

    Song meanings

    This is inspired by the discussion about terminator. I've put together a list of the topic of evile songs just to see if we managed to cover a broad range of subjects or if we've written the same song 40 times. See what you think, do they match with your views? Keep in mind that some of them...
  3. evilematt

    Judgement Day

    Today is august 29, Judgement Day, the day Skynet destroyed most of mankind. Luckily a man named Kyle Reese travelled back in time to prevent a terminator (who had also been sent back in time) from killing the mother of the future leader of the resistance. Two fascinating documentaries were...
  4. evilematt

    News and stuff

    Hello all, Hope all is well? Just thought i would say hello as it's been a very long time since you've heard anything Evile-wise on here so I thought i would say hello and let you know that at the moment there isn't a lot going on. We are taking our time to make sure that when Evile return it...
  5. evilematt

    Mike day!

    Hello everyone, sorry we've been so quiet recently, the quietness may continue for a while though! Today is Mike day, so i thought i would share a photo, you've probably seen this before from back when i had facebook, but here it is. Surprisingly i don't have that many private photos of us all...
  6. evilematt

    Man of Steel

    anyone seen it yet? thoughts? Here's a half arsed review with poor spelling and grammar. Have to say i'm a bit disappointed, the flashback structure absolutely punished the character development (There wasn't much) we just got melodramatic highlights of Clark with Jonathan Kent, we never...
  7. evilematt

    'SKULL' at number 10 in the official UK ROCK CHART

    title says it all, pretty happy with this!!
  8. evilematt

    Head of the Demon

  9. evilematt

    Drowned Lyrics

    yesterday i said i would post the lyrics i sang on the drowned cover. Here they are. I couldn't find the words anywhere so i made them up, sometimes seriously, sometimes not. Drowned As the trouser darks the mind And dee-lite have removed from my eyes I've got a present need as tron...
  10. evilematt


    Hello forumers, If anyone has any questions they want to ask about ANYTHING Evile or anything at all really, then now is your chance, post in this thread and i will answer as many as i can. As you know i don't do bookfacespace and twittler so i am here, ask away! And before you try, the album...
  11. evilematt

    5th October

    Everyone remember to raise a glass or two today for the big man! make sure to play some Pantera, Alice in Chains, Overkill and Slayer loud enough for him to hear it. M
  12. evilematt

    Happy new year to all!

    Hello! Hope everyone had a good christmas filled with pies and alcohol and plenty of good music, just wanted to wish everyone a happy new year! Thanks for making 2011 a good one, lets see what happens in 2012, new videos hopefully!!! Just realised this is the least metal posting ever...
  13. evilematt

    FST is metal Hammer's 11th best album of 2011

    Only just seen this and thought i would post it here. very very happy with this, it's the highest we've ever been in a poll like that. Amazing!
  14. evilematt


    so no one's talking about the new album yet? shameful for an evile forum to have nobody discussing the album which came out today....... personally i think it's alright.
  15. evilematt

    We are in the studio!!

    And I have John Lennon glasses. Drums are set up, messing with sounds now. Facebook FST Gallery: Evile Youtube: (videos coming)
  16. evilematt

    Happy new year forumers!

    Happy new year to you lot, hope you had a good Christmas and new years! We start cracking on the new album now, we have the title, the artwork is being put together and we are working on the songs as well of course. We kick into high writing gear on the 4th when we do 10am to 5pm in the...
  17. evilematt


    Everyone have a good time?
  18. evilematt


    Hellfest was cool. exodus were brilliant. some other well known bands were not as good...
  19. evilematt

    My Jackson KV2 for sale

    anyone want it? it's in great condition, i'm even fitting a brand new floyd rose trem just to be nice. look for the gun metal grey KV2. that one. any questions or offers? £900
  20. evilematt

    checking in!

    yo yo yo, i can't be arsed to do a diary update yet so i will just give you all a quick update on here, tour is going very well so far. everyones really friendly over here, venues are all good, we've been going down surprisingly well, i expected most people to have no idea who we are but i've...