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  1. Vicious

    Arch Enemy South America Tour

    Arch Enemy announces South American tour! Guitarist Michael Amott comments: “FINALLY! This one has been a long time coming… We are all very much looking forward to playing for our loyal South American fans! We are ready to bring the PURE FUCKING METAL to Brazil, Argentina and Chile! See you...
  2. Vicious

    IE quoted in Van Helsing Movie?

    In this movie, there´s a scene when the monk finds a painting, and he reads: "Even a man who's pure, and says his prayers by night, man become a wolf. When the wolf bane blooms, and the autumn moon is bright, man may become a wolf." Well I´m note sure if it was exactly it, ´cause I was...
  3. Vicious

    Off-Topic: Swede Traffic Laws

    Help me out, Swedish ones. Is that true that Swedish Police can only fine drivers if their cars are immobile? I mean, if you run away from the cops, and lose the tail, even with your plate in hands, they can´t do anything? Solve my tormenting doubt. :p
  4. Vicious

    My X-Mas Card For You All

    Well, this X-Mas stuff is not my thing, but I wish you guys a merry xmas and a happy new year and bla bla bla... Hope Santa Claus bring your metal cds, and if you were good guys/girls, he sure will. All in all, hope noone forsaken this boards, and stay heavy (what a cliche ¬¬ ...). Enough...
  5. Vicious

    Rush confirma shows no Brasil

    Sim, é verdade. O show mais ansiosamente aguardo desse ano (pelo menos por mim ehehhe) foi confirmado. A antológica banda de rock progressivo canadense, Rush, após 10 anos de espera por parte dos fãs, confirmou shows em São Paulo (Estádio do Pacaembu, dia 23), Rio de Janeiro (Maracanã, dia...
  6. Vicious

    Nightwish in South America

    Next month Nightwish will be in South America, doing gigs and promoting their new album, Century Child. Anyone here will attend at these shows? I trying to work things out in order to go. After this tour, Tarja will have a break to do her opera classes in Germany, so they wont come...
  7. Vicious

    What Happened to Audio Galaxy?

    All the songs in there are blocked! I guess if thet have lost a judicial battle and were forced to shut down everything... wtf...It used to be the best place to find some music...Now I´m forced to look for stuff at the mIRC, and it´s boring to get mp3 there...
  8. Vicious

    Downloading music is a nice or evil thing?

    If somebody here likres Dark Tranquillity, should know they´ll release a new album, Damage Done, on July 21º. Nobody knows how, but the album´s songs are already available on the Internet, in Audio Galaxy, Kazaa, etc. All, except for two of them, called "The Enemy" and "White Noise/Black...
  9. Vicious

    Alice In Chains Vocal is Dead

    his body was found fryday´s night. the causa mortis couldnt be veryfied, but he was dead for a few days when his body was found. Layne Stanley, 34 years old, was fighting against his addiction to drugs for many years. Although his exposicion as a front man got smaller and smaller after...
  10. Vicious

    Board Language! Vote!

    well, we´ve discussing about this board language for a while, so i think it´s time for us to decide which one it will be. I´ll end the votation within one week. so please vote.
  11. Vicious

    If you are from Latin America (or if you are curious) read this...

    hi all. i´m posting this to tell u latin fans of Opeth that there´s a new forum in the "The Scene" section: The Latin America Scene! í´m sure that there´s a lot of latins who post here, so let´s everybody meet in there! i hope you show up there! thankz u guys!
  12. Vicious

    If you are from Latin American (or if you are curious) read this...

    hi all. i´m posting this to tell u latin fans of Nevermore that there´s a new forum in the "The Scene" section: The Latin America Scene! í´m sure that there´s a lot of latins who post here, so let´s everybody meet in there! i hope you show up there! thankz u guys!
  13. Vicious

    If you are from Latin America (or if ur curious) read this.....

    hi all. i´m posting this to tell u latin fans of Dark Tranquillity that there´s a new forum in the "The Scene" section: The Latin America Scene! í´m sure that there´s a lot of latins who post here, so let´s everybody meet in there! i hope you show up there! thankz u guys!
  14. Vicious

    If ur from Latin America (or if ur curious) read this...

    hi all. i´m posting this to tell u latin fans of CoB that there´s a new forum in the "The Scene" section: The Latin America Scene! í´m sure that there´s a lot of latins who post here, so let´s everybody meet in there! i hope you show up there! thankz u guys!
  15. Vicious

    Firs POst Ever

    well i´m posting to start this forum, i hope to see a lot of ppl here. i´m sure there´s a lot of latins in UM, so let´s everybody meet here! thanx ppl.