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    A question for the bassists out there.

    I'm just beginning to play bass, and I have a little experience on guitar but I've never had any lessons or anything. What are some songs to practice playing in order to build up technique on the bass?
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    I don't wanna be

    I don't wanna be me, I don't wanna be me anymore :notworthy:
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    Have any of you guys ever ordered from HDR Records?

    Have any of you guys ever ordered from HDR Records....? I was wondering how do i go about doing it because the instructions on the website are kind of vague.
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    Recommend me some electronic black metal..

    Like And Oceans, or Aborym, I like these bands.
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    The Enemy & White Noise/Black Silence

    finally found the songs, and they are killer. if anyone wants them just ask me, my screenname is fearfactory8
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    Record Sales

    Just out of curiosity, does anybody know a site that shows heavy metal record sales?
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    US Priest tour

    what bands are they touring with??
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    Is there a Sodom tablature page anywhere...

    Is there a Sodom tablature page anywhere??? I managed to find one and the tabs were all broken links... anybody know of a page?
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    Metal without solos

    Do you guys think its alright for some metal songs to not have solos? Some bands like Fear Factory and Defleshed for example haven't had solos in their music...but they're still good.
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    What kind of guitar to buy?

    I've had my Squire strat for about 2 years now and I think its time for me to get something new. what do you guys recommend?
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    Holocaust tabs

    I'm looking for guitar tabs from this band. anyone know where I can find some?
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    Finally their website got updated after a 2 year wait... !! \m/
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    thoughts about metallica

    If Metallica re-released the first four cds, all remastered with better sound and new artwork, would you buy them? I sure would.
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    A question about Jag Panzer

    does anybody know the setlist they are playing on this tour? mucho gracias
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    A question about guitar picks

    For playing speed metal, am I better off using a thick pick or a thin one? or is it just a matter of personal preference?
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    Looking for pictures...

    Does anybody here have pictures from the In Flames/Iced Earth April 10th show at NYC?
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    Hardcore is just like metal....but without trying
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    Iced Earth...

    Anyone know who the touring bassist is for Iced Earth now?
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    Looking for death/jazz fusion bands...

    Anyone know of any other death/jazz fusion bands like Atheist or Cynic...?