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  1. Blinded By Blood

    New Isis leaked

    I'm in the process of getting it now...pretty good from the three tracks I've heard
  2. Blinded By Blood

    I'm confused linked from Grand Belial Key's site Easy money I'm guessing?
  3. Blinded By Blood

    Virus from Norway

    What do you guys think of this band? They're bizarre to say the least, but I like them
  4. Blinded By Blood

    Atmospheres music creates

    Does anyone else have certain auras/atmospheres that certain albums/artists can create? For me, Perdition City has a very noir/urban sound to it, while Isis' last two albums have had an oceanic feel to them
  5. Blinded By Blood

    Is Viva Emptiness a concept album?

    I was listening to some songs off it today and it seemed to have a general overall concept. It seems to be something about two people involved in some sort of crime and the problems associated with it, though I can't figure out what or whether it really is any ideas?
  6. Blinded By Blood

    Is Viva emptiness a concept album?

    Fuck, double post Don't post, deleting if I can figure it out
  7. Blinded By Blood

    Why are all the movie this summer awful?

    There's not one movie that looks good coming out this whole summer
  8. Blinded By Blood

    Bands that evolve greatly

    Can you guys think of any bands that made a complete change around for the better in their career? Katatonia and Ulver are the two main examples I can think of
  9. Blinded By Blood

    Most hateful metal?

    I find Arghoslent and a good amount of Slayer to be good enough to listen to when pissed and full of hate What do you guys think?
  10. Blinded By Blood

    Song meanings

    I usually find it hard to find meanings for metal songs. Although many are straightforward, though there are many that are hard to figure out Post songs you can't figure out, hopefully people will try to examine songs and not bullshit in here My current one is Velvet Thorns of Drynwhyl...
  11. Blinded By Blood

    Your opinions on Sigh?

    Most of their albums didn't really click with me, but their latest, Gallows Gallery is ranked pretty high in my book. Alot better than their previous material IMO
  12. Blinded By Blood

    When is Varg supposed to get out of prison?

    Wasn't he supposed to be out in late April? Or did his escape stunt warrant him a shitload of time?
  13. Blinded By Blood

    Metal heavy on distortion/feedback

    Anyone know any bands? Best example I can think of is Isis
  14. Blinded By Blood

    Head Control System

    Anyone checked out Murder Nature yet? I think it might be album of the year in my book :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
  15. Blinded By Blood

    "holy vocals"

    Anyone know any metal that makes usage of "holy vocals"? Best example I can think of is Ulver on Bergtatt
  16. Blinded By Blood

    Why does mainstream metal culture suck so much?

    The idiocy and lack of intelligence makes me want to smash small animals with a brick
  17. Blinded By Blood

    Good shows in the future

    I see no good shows on the horizon besides Emperor, which I probably won't get to go to :( Anyone know of any bands touring that might be worth seeing?
  18. Blinded By Blood

    Similar bands to Toxic Holocaust?

    Anyone know any bands in the same vein as them?
  19. Blinded By Blood

    Most fun metal

    I'd have to say the honor either goes to Tankard or Tom Angelripper's solo shit
  20. Blinded By Blood

    Post Nattens Madrigal Ulver

    Is anyone as big a fan as I am? I seriously can't get enough of Blood Inside or Perdition City. I'm not even a huge electronica fan(my roommate listens to a lot, I hate most of his music), but for some reason I love what Ulver does